Confronting COVID, racism, and addiction: The association of multidisciplinary education and research in substance use and addiction (AMERSA)
Assessing Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory Implementation Outcomes: Lessons from Five Diverse Pennsylvania Counties
Consent in pregnancy – an observational study of ante-natal care in the context of Montgomery: all about risk?
Relating through Oppression: Longitudinal Relations between Parental Racial Socialization, School Racial Climate, Oppressed Minority Ideology, and Empathy in Black Male Adolescents’ Prosocial Development
The COVID-19 telepsychology revolution: A national study of pandemic-based changes in U.S. mental health care delivery.
Mismatched Liberation Theory: A Comparative Method to Explain Increasing Female Crime Share in the United States
The longitudinal relationship between sleep problems and school burnout in adolescents: A cross-lagged panel analysis
Corrigendum to “The role of natural mentoring and sense of belonging in enhancing resilience among youth in care” [Child. Youth Serv. Rev. 120 (2021) 105773]
Mothers’ emotion socialization profiles and relation to adolescent socio-emotional functioning in China and India
A critical review of mechanisms of adaptation to trauma: Implications for early interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder
Childhood adversity and trajectories of multimorbidity in mid-late life: China health and longitudinal retirement study
A Delphi yarn: applying Indigenous knowledges to enhance the cultural utility of SMART Recovery Australia
Academic, Interpersonal, Recreational, and Family Impairment in Children with Tourette Syndrome and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
GAO-21-140, Disaster Resilience: FEMA Should Take Additional Steps to Streamline Hazard Mitigation Grants and Assess Program Effects
A Dissemination Strategy to Identify Communities Ready to Implement a Pediatric Weight Management Intervention in Medically Underserved Areas
Nurses’ Views on Palliative Care for Those Diagnosed With Severe Persistent Mental Illness: A Pilot Survey Study in Switzerland
Lessons From the Field Brief Report Family Grief Care and Bibliotherapy: A Call for Models and Studies
JBP Special Issue Call for Papers: Black Women’s Body Image: Implications for Identity Formation and Well-Being
Biological features and clinical outcome in infant neuroblastoma: a multicenter experience in Beijing
Two decades of Iranian midwives’ activities as a health care provider under supervision in a multidisciplinary team in reducing maternal mortality
Factors associated with non-adherence to social distancing rules during the COVID-19 pandemic: a logistic regression analysis
Association Between Violent Discipline at Home and Risk of Illness and Injury in Children: Findings From a Cross-sectional Study in Rural Western China
Accessing Rights and Mitigating Revictimization: The Role of the Victim’s Legal Counsel in the Swedish Criminal Justice System
Decomposition of the Role of Family in Reentry: Family Support, Tension, Gender, and Reentry Outcomes
The effect of online multimedia psychoeducational interventions on the resilience and perceived stress of hospitalized patients with COVID-19: a pilot cluster randomized parallel-controlled trial