A queer(er) temporality: A posthumanist analysis of the performative agencies of time with/in gay men’s anal fisting
Concurrent Opioid and Benzodiazepine Utilization Patterns and Predictors Among Community-Dwelling Adults in the United States
Students’ Use of Retrieval in Self-Regulated Learning: Implications for Monitoring and Regulating Effortful Learning Experiences
Global Prevalence of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep of Immigrant Children: a Systematic Review
Adjustment to life with metastatic cancer through psychodrama group therapy: A qualitative study in Turkey
End-of-life care after the legal introduction of advance directives: A qualitative study involving healthcare professionals and family caregivers of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Patient, caregiving partner, and clinician recommendations for improving heart failure care in the Veterans Health Administration
Teaching Early Learners With Autism to Follow Written Directions: Making Text Mediate Action to Promote Independence
PDE-5i Management of Erectile Dysfunction After Rectal Surgery: A Systematic Review Focusing on Treatment Efficacy
Efficacy of Aspirin for Vasculogenic Erectile Dysfunction in Men: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials
A Survey of Patient Perspectives on Approach to Health Care: Focus on Physician Competency and Compassion
Catastrophic Coverage in the Medicare Part D Drug Benefit: Which Beneficiaries Need It and How Much Are They Spending?
Political difference and polarization in the family: The role of (non)accommodating communication for navigating identity differences
Predictors of Feminist Identity Utilizing an Intersectional Lens With a Focus on Non-Hispanic White, Hispanic, and African American MSW Students
Monster, P.I.: Validation Evidence for an Assessment of Adolescent Language That Assesses Vocabulary Knowledge, Morphological Knowledge, and Syntactical Awareness
“I forgive myself”: The association between self‐criticism, self‐acceptance, and PTSD in women victims of IPV, and the buffering role of self‐efficacy
Addressing obstacles to the inclusion of palliative care in humanitarian health projects: a qualitative study of humanitarian health professionals’ and policy makers’ perceptions
Mental health problems among female sex workers in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Meeting the need: Creation of an online infection prevention course by the Golisano Institute for Developmental Disability Nursing for direct support professionals during COVID-19
Accuracy of reporting of Aboriginality on administrative health data collections using linked data in NSW, Australia
An economic evaluation of a mobile text messaging intervention to improve mental health care in resource-poor communities in China: a cost-effectiveness study
Acculturation and Campus Carry: Examining the Effect of Mexico Versus United States Cultural Orientations on College Students’ Support for Campus Carry
Cognitive Enhancement Therapy in Early Schizophrenia: A Qualitative and Quantitative Case Series of Patients’ Experiences