Searching for ‘home’, writing to find it: a reflective account on experiences of othering in life and academia in times of generalized crises
Creaming among Caseworkers: Effects of Client Competence and Client Motivation on Caseworkers’ Willingness to Help
Empowering refugees and asylum seekers in the Italian agriculture sector by linking social cooperative entrepreneurship and social work practices
Inequality of opportunities in health and death: an investigation from birth to middle age in Great Britain
Treating PTSD to reduce suicide risk: Considerations for interventions targeting PTSD‐related family accommodation
A Delphi survey to explore best practice for practitioners offering family intervention for psychosis to families with children
Social Isolation and Loneliness Among San Francisco Bay Area Older Adults During the COVID‐19 Shelter‐in‐Place Orders
A “Rapid Best‐Fit” model for framework synthesis: Using research objectives to structure analysis within a rapid review of qualitative evidence
(Mis)recognition in the Therapeutic Alliance: The Experience of Mental Health Interpreters Working With Refugees in U.K. Clinical Settings
Improving substance misuse outcomes in contingency management treatment with adjunctive formal psychotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
To what extent do supervised drug consumption services incorporate non-injection routes of administration? A systematic scoping review documenting existing facilities
Do family meetings for hospitalised palliative care patients improve outcomes and reduce health care costs? A cluster randomised trial
Assessing Preknowledge Cheating via Innovative Measures: A Multiple-Group Analysis of Jointly Modeling Item Responses, Response Times, and Visual Fixation Counts
Can married or cohabiting women negotiate protective sex? Findings from Demographic and Health Surveys of two West African countries
Reactive Oxygen Species Secreted by Leukocytes in Semen Induce Self-Expression of Interleukin-6 and Affect Sperm Quality
Socioeconomic inequality in the risk of intentional injuries among adolescents: a cross-sectional analysis of 89 countries
Mental health symptoms, spiritual well‐being and meaning in life among older adults living in nursing homes and community dwellings
The Hispanic/Latinx Perinatal Paradox in the United States: A Scoping Review and Recommendations to Guide Future Research
Improving mental health and psychosocial wellbeing in humanitarian settings: reflections on research funded through R2HC
On the comparability of adults with low literacy across LEO, PIAAC, and NEPS. Methodological considerations and empirical evidence
Chronic musculoskeletal pain among active and retired military personnel: a prevalence systematic review protocol
Experiences of adults with intellectual disabilities who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender within mainstream community: a systematic review of qualitative studies
Timing of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity in healthy women and newborns during the postnatal period: a systematic review protocol
Women’s experiences of their interactions with health care providers during the postnatal period in Australia: a qualitative systematic review protocol