Fluency and the Maintenance of Skills Related to Sex Laws for Individuals Adjudicated for Illegal Sexual Behavior
A Single-Session Workshop to Enhance Emotional Awareness and Emotion Regulation for Graduate Students: A Pilot Study
Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) on closed incisions to prevent surgical site infection in high-risk patients in hepatopancreatobiliary surgery: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial—the NP-SSI trial
Acceptability, motivation and the prospect of cure for people living with HIV and their healthcare providers in HIV cure-focused treatment interruption studies
Decision-making inflexibility in a reversal learning task is associated with severity of problem gambling symptoms but not with a diagnosis of substance use disorder
Analysis of Scientific Publications During the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Topic Modeling Study
Frequent use of emergency departments and chronic conditions in ageing societies: a retrospective analysis based in Italy
Impact of low and no alcohol beers on purchases of alcohol: interrupted time series analysis of British household shopping data, 2015–2018
The use of mindfulness to promote ethical decision making and behavior: Empirical evidence from the public sector in Thailand
Momentary task‐values and expectations predict engagement in science among Finnish and Chilean secondary school students
Estimating a treatment effect on recidivism for correctional multiple component treatment for people in prison with an alcohol use disorder in England
Leaving the Teaching Profession: Examining the Role of Social Support, Engagement and Emotional Intelligence in Teachers’ Intentions to Quit
Rumination’s Mediating Effect on Feeling Caught and Well‐Being After Parental Infidelity: An Emerging Ideas Brief Report
Attitude Moderates the Relation between Frequency of Media Multitasking in the Classroom and Delay Discounting
Need for patient-developed concepts of empowerment to rectify epistemic injustice and advance person-centred care
Self‐reported exercise frequency and PTSD: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
Linked lives, linked retirement? Relative income differences within couples and gendered retirement decisions in Europe
Insights from the shadows: exploring deservingness of care in the emergency department and language as a social determinant of health
Outperforming iBodies: A Conceptual Framework Integrating Body Performance Self-Tracking Technologies with Body Image and Eating Concerns
“I’m a hero, but…”: An evaluation of depression, anxiety, and stress levels of frontline healthcare professionals during COVID‐19 pandemic in Turkey
The forgotten families; a systematic literature review of family interventions within forensic mental health services
Borderline personality disorder and childhood trauma: Exploring the buffering role of self‐compassion and self‐esteem
Listen, I am too responsible! Effect of schooling on sense of trust, responsibility and belongingness to the community of children working on the street in Chandigarh City, India
The impact of victim impact statements on legal decisions in criminal proceedings: A systematic review of the literature across jurisdictions and decision types