Archive for 2020
Development, reliability and validity of the Safe Use of Mobility Aids Checklist (SUMAC) for 4-wheeled walker use in people living with dementia
Trying to “Protect the NHS” in the United Kingdom
The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model in the Study of Aggression and Victimization within Couples: An Empirical Examination in 361 Dyads
Children’s well-being indicator review, UK : 2020
Time trends, geographical, socio-economic, and gender disparities in neonatal mortality in Burundi: evidence from the demographic and health surveys, 2010–2016
Health Literacy, eHealth Literacy, Adherence to Infection Prevention and Control Procedures, Lifestyle Changes, and Suspected COVID-19 Symptoms Among Health Care Workers During Lockdown: Online Survey
Strategies and effects of school-based interventions to promote active school transportation by bicycle among children and adolescents: a systematic review
England SimSmoke: the impact of nicotine vaping on smoking prevalence and smoking‐attributable deaths in England
Investigating which behaviour change techniques work for whom in which contexts delivered by what means: Proposal for an international collaboratory of Centres for Understanding Behaviour Change (CUBiC)
Report on the Holy See’s institutional knowledge and decision-making related to former cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick (1930 to 2017)
Perceptions of injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) among people who regularly use opioids in Australia: Findings from a cross‐sectional study in three Australian cities
What matters to young people in Victoria? Victorian youth strategy discussion paper
Evolution and effects of COVID-19 outbreaks in care homes: a population analysis in 189 care homes in one geographical region of the UK
Leading through social distancing: The future of work, corporations and leadership from home
Children Adopted from Care in Northern Ireland 2019/20
Is Acceptance and Commitment Training or Therapy (ACT) a Method that Applied Behavior Analysts Can and Should Use?
Depression and Anxiety During the COVID‐19 Pandemic in an Urban, Low‐Income Public University Sample
Bereavement Outcomes for Atheist Individuals: The Role of Spirituality, Discrimination, and Meaning
Sick of the Sick Role: Narratives of What “Recovery” Means to People With CFS/ME
Why Facts Are Not Enough: Understanding and Managing the Motivated Rejection of Science
App-based Mental Health Promotion in Young European Adults (ECoWeB)
Factors Associated With Mental Health Disorders Among University Students in France Confined During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Brief psychological intervention for distress tolerance in an adult secondary care community mental health service: an evaluation
Social Work Career in Ontario- An interactive session for Internationally Educated Social Workers
The causes of welfare state expansion in democratic middle‐income countries: A literature review
Pottering, BAME Eating Disorders & Ditching Shame
Linking servant leadership to positive deviant behavior: The mediating role of self‐determination theory
Impact of viral epidemic outbreaks on mental health of healthcare workers: a rapid systematic review and meta-analysis
Guidance: Joint housing protocols for care leavers: good practice advice
Social perceptions and bioethical implications of birth plans: A qualitative study
Don’t Work for Free: Online Discursive Resistance to Precarity in Commercial Photography
Health‐Related Influences of Extending Marital Benefits to Same‐Sex Couples: Results From the California Health Interview Survey
Investigation of risk of dementia diagnosis and death in patients in older people’s secondary care mental health services
Anal sexuality and male subcultures online: The politics of self-deprecation in the deep vernacular web
Association Between Ethnicity and Severe COVID-19 Disease: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Moderation of associations between interparental stress and (mal)adaptation by adolescents’ personality: Contrasting differential susceptibility and diathesis–stress models
An investigation of resurgence of reinforced behavioral variability in humans
A History of the Roles and Responsibilities of Social Workers: From the Poor Laws to the Present Day
Bridging the Gap Between Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Interpersonal Neurobiology: A Combined Approach for Counseling Families
Predictors of social and role outcomes in first episode psychosis: A prospective 12‐month study of social cognition, neurocognition and symptoms
Helping Couples Connect during the COVID‐19 Pandemic: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial of an Awareness, Courage, and Love Intervention
Alternatives to Arrests and Police Responses to Homelessness
What is Depression?
Severity of depression symptoms in the past 2 weeks among adults aged 18 and over