The effect of interpersonal relational role analysis on nursing students’ anxiety levels and interpersonal problem‐solving orientation
Psychodynamic psychotherapy is associated with sustained reduction in health care utilization and cost
“Hanging in a balance”: A qualitative study exploring clinicians’ experiences of providing care at the end of life in the burn unit
International organizations establishing their scientific authority: Periodizing the legitimation of policy advice by the OECD
The effect of mindful attention training for pain modulation capacity: Exploring the mindfulness–pain link
Exploring the Contradiction in the Ethos of Urban Practitioners under Neoliberalism: A Case Study of Housing Production in Chile
Organizing professional work and services through institutional complexity – how institutional logics and differences in organizational roles matter
Multi-sectoral response to child maltreatment in Switzerland for different age groups: Varying rates of reported incidents and gaps in identification
QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Alzheimer Disease Among Adults Aged ≥ 65 Years, by Sex and Race/Hispanic Origin – National Vital Statistics System, 2018
School Matters: The Contribution of Positive School Climate to Equal Educational Opportunities among Ethnocultural Minority Students
Exploring the Dimensionality of the Social Skills Improvement System Using Exploratory Graph Analysis and Bifactor-(S − 1) Modeling
Exploring the mental health and psychosocial problems of Congolese refugees living in refugee settings in Rwanda and Uganda: a rapid qualitative study
Testing the effect of summer camp on excess summer weight gain in youth from low-income households: a randomized controlled trial
Open access in vocational education and training research: results from four structured group discussions
The Limits of Gaining Rights while Remaining Marginalized: The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program and the Psychological Wellbeing of Latina/o Undocumented Youth
The effect of school intervention programs on the body mass index of adolescents: a systematic review with meta-analysis
The Effects of Social Disorganization Mechanisms: Examining the Influence of Community-Level Factors on Recidivism Across Various Correctional Programs
Does Perceived Cultural Discrimination Influence Immigrants’ Perceptions of the Police? Evidence from Married Immigrant Women Living in South Korea
Programmatic guidance for interventions to improve early childhood development in high HIV burden countries: a narrative review
Predictive accuracy of a hierarchical logistic model of cumulative SARS-CoV-2 case growth until May 2020
Shared care follow-up of patients with B-cell neoplasms based on nurse-led telephone consultations and PRO-data: a feasibility study from the North Denmark Region
The influence of co-residential and non-co-residential living arrangements on sufficient fruit and vegetable consumption in the aging population in Thailand
Associations Between the Child Care Environment and Children’s In-Care Physical Activity and Sedentary Time