Archive for 2020
A 6-Year Longitudinal Study of Adolescents and Mothers Depression Symptoms and Their Perception of Support and Conflict
Psychological Processes and Symptom Outcomes in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study
A Longitudinal Examination of the Relation Between Lie-Telling, Secrecy, Parent–Child Relationship Quality, and Depressive Symptoms in Late-Childhood and Adolescence
ADHD Parent and Teacher Symptom Ratings: Differential Item Functioning across Gender, Age, Race, and Ethnicity
The malady of the ideal and the assault on nature
Audience perceptions of high‐status ties and network advantage: The market for coaching jobs in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (2000–2011)
Maternal Mortality and Public Health Programs: Evidence from Florida
Extra‐medical use of antipsychotics: what can be learnt from experiences with other prescription medicines?
Zooming in on labour market cooperation: A study of a failed project to support unemployed young people
The science of childhood and the pedagogy of the state: Postcolonial development in India, 1950s
What should happen after the death of a probationer? Learning from suicide investigations in prison
Crime in England and Wales: year ending June 2019
Family Relationships During Adolescence and Stepchilden’s Educational Attainment in Young Adulthood
Improving indoor air quality
California’s homelessness crisis — and possible solutions — explained
In a state with vast amounts of wealth, more than 150,000 of its residents sleep in shelters, cars, or on the street.