Association between participation in hospital‐led community activities and sense of security in continued community living among older adults in a rural district of Japan: A cross‐sectional study
The psychological typhoon eye effect during the COVID-19 outbreak in China: the role of coping efficacy and perceived threat
A novel construct of anhedonia revealed in a Chinese sample via the Revised Physical and Social Anhedonia Scales
The association of metacognition with emotion recognition and perspective taking in a Russian sample with psychosis
Women’s appraisal, interpretation and help-seeking for possible symptoms of breast and cervical cancer in South Africa: a qualitative study
“They just get it” an exploration of father’s experiences and perceptions of a support group for men caring for children with disabilities and/or developmental delay
Healthcare vouchers for better elderly services? Input from private healthcare service providers in Hong Kong
Understanding the Relationships between Parenting Stress and Mental Health with Grandparent Kinship Caregivers’ Risky Parenting Behaviors in the Time of COVID-19
The Effects of Universal Preschool on Child and Adult Outcomes: A Review of Recent Evidence from Europe with Implications for the United States
“Impossible objects” in a life‐threatening crisis: A study of patients suffering from adverse childhood experiences and myocardial infarction
Barriers and facilitators of engagement in psychological therapies among older adults with depression: A systematic review and thematic synthesis
When parenting is a longer road than anticipated: a journey examining parents’ experience and engagement at a therapeutic day school
African Americans Demonstrate Significantly Lower Serum Alanine Aminotransferase Compared to Non-African Americans
To be or not to be consistent? The role of friendship and group‐targeted perspective in managers’ allocation decisions
Characteristics of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder in a general paediatric inpatient sample
‘Dear Mrs Brown’: social purity, sex education and the Women’s Christian Temperance Union in early twentieth-century South Africa
A Longitudinal Study of Suicidal Ideation in Sexually Abused Adolescent Girls: Depressive Symptoms and Affect Dysregulation as Predictors
Factors associated with adoption breakdown following implementation of the Fostering Connections Act: A systematic review
Social, Human and Positive Psychological Capital in the Labour Market Re‐integration of People Deported to the Dominican Republic
Ableism in Academia: Theorising experiences of disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education
Snapchat vs. Facebook: Differences in problematic use, behavior change attempts, and trait social reward preferences
Adolescent Psychological Well‐being, Radicalism, and Activism: The Mediating Role of Social Disconnectedness and the Illegitimacy of the Authorities
Jade Beall is a Tuscon-based portrait photographer whose photos challenge notions of what a woman’s body should or shouldn’t be
Assessing resiliency in Canadians experiencing social vulnerability: Psychometric properties of the CUPS Resiliency Interview Schedule and Resiliency Questionnaire