Can usual gait speed be used as a prognostic factor for early palliative care identification in hospitalized older patients? A prospective study on two different wards
Access and Retention of Informal Dementia Caregivers in Psychosocial Interventions: A Cross-Sectional Study
Determinants of early initiation of breastfeeding in Papua New Guinea: a population-based study using the 2016-2018 demographic and health survey data
Parental attachment bonds, dysfunctional career thoughts and career exploration as predictors of career decision-making self-efficacy of Grade 11 students
The effect of rational‐emotive education on irrational thinking, subjective wellbeing, and self‐efficacy of typically developing students and social acceptance of disabled students
Attitudes towards the New Zealand Governments Smokefree 2025 goal associated with smoking and vaping in university students aged 18 to 24 years: results of a 2018 national cross-sectional survey
Triggers of mental health problems among frontline healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic in private care homes and domiciliary care agencies: Lived experiences of care workers in the Midlands region, UK
“It’s Kind of Hit and Miss with Them”: a Qualitative Investigation of Police Response to Intimate Partner Violence in a Mandatory Arrest State
Breastfeeding attitudes of refugee women from Syria and influencing factors: a study based on the transition theory
Access to Psychological Support for Young People Following Stoma Surgery: Exploring Patients’ and Clinicians’ Perspectives
Personality Changes Predict Early Career Outcomes: Discovery and Replication in 12-Year Longitudinal Studies
Evaluation of the high‐probability instructional sequence to increase compliance with multiple low‐probability instructions among children with autism
Does a lack of social support and perceived stigma influence the relationship between motor neurone disease‐related stress and psychological distress?
Effects of an integrated respiratory service on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease hospital admissions in England: An interrupted time series analysis
Social protection and revenue collection: How they can jointly contribute to strengthening social cohesion
The effect of bright light therapy on depressive symptoms in adults with intellectual disabilities: Results of a multicentre randomized controlled trial
Rethinking respite in Australia: A naturalistic effect study of a multicomponent community program to promote respite knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of carers of people with dementia
Multilevel Factors Shaping Awareness of and Attitudes Toward Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention among Criminal Justice-Involved Women
Transcranial direct‐current stimulation enhances implicit motor sequence learning in persons with Parkinson’s disease with mild cognitive impairment
The framing of 9/11 in American, French, and Dutch national newspapers (2001–2015): An inductive approach to studying events
Sense of Belonging and Community Building within a STEM Intervention Program: A Focus on Latino Male Undergraduates’ Experiences