How Acceptable Is This? How User Experience Factors Can Broaden our Understanding of The Acceptance of Privacy Trade-offs
The Intersection of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities with Child Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence: Implications for Research and Practice
Testing adults by questionnaire for social and communication disorders, including autism spectrum disorders, in an adult mental health service population
Preventing relapse with personalized smart‐messaging after cognitive behavioural therapy: A proof‐of‐concept evaluation
Factors influencing adequate and effective clinical supervision for inpatient mental health nurses’ personal and professional development. An integrative review
History of Sexual Violence and Associated Negative Consequences: The Mediating Role of Body Image Dissatisfaction
Book Review: Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick and Richard Hyman, Trade Unions in Western Europe: Hard Times, Hard Choices
Menstrual health intervention and school attendance in Uganda (MENISCUS-2): a pilot intervention study
Second-trimester abortion attitudes and practices among maternal-fetal medicine and family planning subspecialists
The Impact of Comorbidity on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Response in Youth with Anxiety and Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Role of Academic Achievement in the Relationship between School Ethos and Adolescent Distress and Aggression: A Study of Ninth Grade Students in the Segregated School Landscape of Stockholm
Social Support, Relationship Power, and Knowledge of HIV+ Serostatus in Sexual Risk Behavior Among Women in Psychiatric Treatment
Soft and hard variables in determining pre‐service teachers’ intentions and decisions to pursue a special education career
The Subsidized and Transitional Employment Demonstration: Cost Analysis of the Minnesota Subsidized and Transitional Employment Demonstration
Association Between Mobile Telephone Interruptions and Medication Administration Errors in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Caractéristiques environnementales favorisant la participation sociale: une enquête auprès d’aînés québécois
The mediating roles of functional limitations and social support on the relationship between vision impairment and depressive symptoms in older adults
Why do cosmopolitan individuals tend to be more pro-environmentally committed? The mediating pathways via knowledge acquisition and emotional affinity toward nature
Are All Network Ties Created Equal? Distinguishing Between Strength and Use of Ties in Bureaucrat–Lobbyist Alliances