Archive for 2020
An integrative model of self‐determination and related contextual variables in adolescents with and without disabilities
Quantifying Health Systems’ Investment In Social Determinants Of Health, By Sector, 2017–19
Using Emotions to Frame Issues and Identities in Conflict: Farmer Movements on Social Media
Social citizenship and social psychology
Urban environment and mental health: the NAMED project, protocol for a mixed-method study
What about lay counselors’ experiences of task-shifting mental health interventions? Example from a family-based intervention in Kenya
Identifying optimal indicators and purposes of population segmentation through engagement of key stakeholders: a qualitative study
Health intersectoralism in the Sustainable Development Goal era: from theory to practice
Group metacognitive therapy for adolescents with anxiety and depressive disorders: A pilot study
Comparing adolescent positive affect and self-esteem as precursors to adult self-esteem and life satisfaction
Psychometric properties and normative data of the 10-item Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale among Chinese adolescent students in Hong Kong
Mischievous Responders and Sexual Minority Youth Survey Data: A Brief History, Recent Methodological Advances, and Implications for Research and Practice
Don’t Know Mind
Bidirectional Relationship of Sleep with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties: A Five-year Follow-up of Finnish Adolescents
Climate of Fear: Provider Perceptions of Latinx Immigrant Service Utilization
Plane Queer: Labor, Sexuality, and AIDS in the History of Male Flight Attendants
Are Rural Infants Benefiting from WIC Food Package Rule Changes? Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding Behaviors
COVID-19: Confirmed Cases in the United States*†
* This table represents cases detected and tested in the United States through U.S. public health surveillance systems since January 21, 2020. It does not include people who returned to the U.S. via State Department-chartered flights.