Archive for 2020
A narrative review of cognitive behavioural therapy in supporting bereaved adults with intellectual disability
The multi-agency response to child sexual abuse in the family environment
A court file analysis of child protection cases: What do children say?
Evidence-based approaches to learning and teaching Thematic Peer Group Report
Taking social policy personally: How does neuroticism affect welfare state attitudes?
Pathways of Participation by Older Adults Living in Continuing Care Homes: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study
Corporate practices and the health of populations: a research and translational agenda
Suicide Rates Are the Highest in the U.S.
Guidance: Supporting adult carers
Perivascular adipose tissue in age-related vascular disease
Crystal Meth Addict interview-Lin
Enhancing the Readiness to practise of newly qualified social workers in Aotearoa New Zealand
The predictive value of the early maladaptive schemas in social situations in anorexia nervosa
Patient social risk factors and continuity of care for Medicare beneficiaries
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents With Social Anxiety Disorder
The Past, Present, And Possible Future Of Public Opinion On The ACA
An Emerging Theory to Guide Clinical Social Workers Seeking Change in Regulation of Clinical Social Work
Attitudes Toward Separating Immigrant Families at the United States–Mexico Border
Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking Cessation
Recalibrating micro and macro social work: student perceptions of social action
Changing emotional engagement with running through communal self‐tracking: the implications of ‘teleoaffective shaping’ for public health
School personnel and child abuse and neglect reporting behavior: An integrative review
A Relational approach to art therapy
Cardiac vagal tone and executive functions: Moderation by physical fitness and family support
Typical symptom change patterns and their predictors in patients with social anxiety disorder: A latent class analysis
Adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the short version of Family Sense of Coherence Scale in a sample of persons with cancer in the palliative stage and their family members
The Current State of Public Housing
Federal Report Says Women In Prison Receive Harsher Punishments Than Men
Prevalence of child maltreatment in the Netherlands: An update and cross-time comparison
Early pubertal timing predicts onset and recurrence of depressive episodes in boys and girls
Outcomes from a community‐based Positive Behavioural Support team for children and adults with developmental disabilities
Smacked: A Story of White-Collar Ambition, Addiction, and Tragedy
Something was wrong with Peter. Eilene Zimmerman noticed that her ex-husband looked thin, seemed distracted, and was frequently absent from activities with their children. She thought he looked sick and needed to see a doctor, and indeed, he told her he had been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Yet in many ways, Peter also seemed to have it all: a beautiful house by the beach purchased after their divorce, expensive cars, and other luxuries that came with an affluent life. Eilene assumed his odd behavior was due to stress and overwork–he was a senior partner at a prominent law firm and had been working more than 60 hours a week for the last 20 years.