Archive for 2020
Lack of paid sick days and large numbers of uninsured increase risks of spreading the coronavirus
Cyber Sextortion: An Exploratory Analysis of Different Perpetrators Engaging in a Similar Crime
“If somebody could just understand what I am going through, it would make all the difference”: Conceptualizations of trauma in homeless populations experiencing severe mental illness
Death and dying: A systematic review into approaches used to support bereaved children
Guidance: Physical activity guidelines: UK Chief Medical Officers’ report
Scoping Review of Economical, Efficient, and Effective Cultural Competency Measures
Press release: Government outlines further plans to support health and social care system in fight against COVID-19
Meeting the mark by 2020: country progress toward FP2020 and UNAIDS HIV targets
Stability and Contingency in Federalism Preferences
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Network Structures: A Comparison Between Men and Women
The momentary interplay of affect, attention bias, and expectancies as predictors of binge eating in the natural environment
Using photovoice to reflect on poverty and address social inequalities among primary care teams
Bayesian methods in palliative care research: cancer-induced bone pain
Couple Adjustment and Differentiation of Self in the United States, Italy, and Spain: A Cross‐Cultural Study
Manual dexterity in children with autism spectrum disorder: A cross-syndrome approach
Lessons for Organizations on Effective Interventions for Economic Well-Being
Levels of anxiety and distress following receipt of positive screening tests in Australias HPV-based cervical screening programme: a cross-sectional survey
Stressors and protective factors among regional and metropolitan Australian medical doctors: A mixed methods investigation
The untenable omission of touch in maternal sensitivity and attachment research
Distributed Selves: Shifting Inequities of Impression Management in Couples Living with Dementia
The effects of mindfulness‐based intervention on quality of life and poststroke depression in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in China
The link between student‐perceived teacher talk and student enjoyment, anxiety and discursive engagement in the classroom
Assessment of home hazards for non-fatal childhood injuries in rural Nepal: a community survey
Philippines: #GirlsNotBrides: Ending Child Marriage in the Philippines
Can there be wrongful life at the end of life? German courts revisit an old problem in a new context
Le Boogie Woogie: Inside an After-Hours Club
Voices Rising: Rohingya Women’s Priorities and Leadership in Myanmar and Bangladesh
Informant Discrepancies in Judgments About Change During Mental Health Treatments
Indoor air quality at home
Michelle Dias – BA (Hons) Social Work
A Virtual Reality Study of the Relationships Between Hoarding, Clutter, and Claustrophobia
A bifactor analysis of the Weight Bias Internalization Scale: What are we really measuring?
Manualized Group Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety in First Episode Psychosis
Does sense of threat in civilians during an armed conflict predict subsequent depression symptoms?
Multivariate classification of earthquake survivors with post‐traumatic stress disorder based on large‐scale brain networks
Latent Variable Interactions With Ordered-Categorical Indicators: Comparisons of Unconstrained Product Indicator and Latent Moderated Structural Equations Approaches
Current and Future Spatiotemporal Patterns of Lyme Disease Reporting in the Northeastern United States
Internal Battles: Examining How Anger/Hostility Moderate the Association Between Negative Urgency and Suicidal Desire Variables in Military and Civilian Samples
Healthcare professionals’ perspectives on mental health service provision: a pilot focus group study in six European countries
Anosognosia for limb and bucco‐facial apraxia as inferred from the recognition of gestural errors
The role of environmental stress and DNA methylation in the longitudinal course of bipolar disorder
Receipt of Addiction Treatment After Opioid Overdose in Medicaid-Enrolled Youths
Food Safety and Eating Out
The U.S. Has the Highest Average Five-Year Survival Rate for Breast Cancer
The Latent Racism of the Better Homes in America Program
How Better Homes in America — a collaboration between Herbert Hoover and the editor of a conservative women’s magazine—promoted idealized whiteness.