Archive for 2020
Incidence of depression in people with newly diagnosed tuberculosis in Ethiopia: a cohort study
Law enforcement and mental health clinician partnerships in global mental health: outcomes for the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model adaptation in Liberia, West Africa
When less is more: reducing redundancy in mental health and psychosocial instruments using Item Response Theory
Skill-Based Contextual Sorting: How Parental Cognition and Residential Mobility Produce Unequal Environments for Children
Domestic Violence, Firearms, and Mass Shootings
Sociology Applied to Planning: Robert K. Merton and the Columbia–Lavanburg Housing Study

On the need for epidemiology in psychiatric sciences
Perinatal mental health around the world: a new thematic series
Stimulation-induced side effects after deep brain stimulation – a systematic review
Wiring Adolescents With Social Anxiety Via Behavioral Interventions (WASABI)
Kawasaki Disease: Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis
The Anonymous Collective: Operations and Gender Differences
Fair Chance Ordinances: An advocates toolkit
Social Workers Impacted By Coronavirus Outbreak
Differential effects of acute physical activity on executive function in preschoolers with high and low habitual physical activity levels
Intensive one-week internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder and agoraphobia: A pilot study
How well do elderly patients with major depressive disorder respond to antidepressants: a systematic review and single-group meta-analysis
Health Disparities, Inpatient Stays, and Emergency Room Visits Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People: Evidence From a Mental Health System
Teen Dating Violence Perpetration: Protective Factor Trajectories from Middle to High School among Adolescents
“The midwife helped me … otherwise I could have died”: women’s experience of professional midwifery services in rural Afghanistan – a qualitative study in the provinces Kunar and Laghman
Association between mortality rates and medication and residential treatment after in‐patient medically managed opioid withdrawal: a cohort analysis
Study protocol for SFX-01 after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAS): a multicentre randomised double-blinded, placebo controlled trial
Wealth-related inequalities of women’s knowledge of cervical cancer screening and service utilisation in 18 resource-constrained countries: evidence from a pooled decomposition analysis
Introduction and methods of the evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and management of autism spectrum disorder by the Italian National Institute of Health
Prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium infection in women with bacterial vaginosis
A Scoping Review of School-Based Efforts to Support Students Who Have Experienced Trauma
Response–reinforcer contiguity versus response‐rate–reinforcer‐rate covariance in rats’ lever pressing: Support for a multiscale view
Mortality in Local Jails, 2000-2016 – Statistical Tables