Archive for 2020
‘Revenge Porn’ and Women Empowerment Issues: Implications for Human Rights and Social Work Practice in Zimbabwe
Well, I feel differently: The importance of considering affective patterns in groups
Cost‐Effectiveness of Pharmacist‐Led Deprescribing of NSAIDs in Community‐Dwelling Older Adults
Global DNA methylation and cognitive and behavioral outcomes at 4 years of age: A cross‐sectional study
The Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC): Six Essential Practices for Quality Infant/Toddler Care
Clinical Practice Guideline: Cholesterol
Improved inference for fixed‐effects meta‐analysis of 2 × 2 tables
A randomized control trial investigating high-intensity interval training and mental health: A novel non-responder phenotype related to anxiety in young adults
Medication‐related criteria in frailty assessment tools: A narrative review
Dayton The Rise, Decline, and Transition of an Industrial City
How to ask about the use of new psychoactive substances to increase the validity of results in self‐report prevalence surveys
Empathic accuracy and cognitions during conflict: An in‐depth analysis of understanding scores
Participation as a mechanism to favour psychological empowerment and positive interaction: The “Ágora Infantil” participatory democracy programme
Applying Unidimensional Models for Semiordered Data to Scale Data With Neutral Responses
Young people who inject drugs in Mozambique: should we emphasize them in the National Harm Reduction Plan?
Review of the reverse innovation series in globalization and health – where are we and what else is needed?
Applied Learning in Higher Education: Conclusions and Recommendations for Institutional Leadership
Sex workers’ responses to the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Aotearoa New Zealand
Who shows which kind of humor? Exploring sociodemographic differences in eight comic styles in a large Chilean sample
December 2019 Medicaid & CHIP Enrollment Data Highlights
Desmopressin as a Therapy for Bedwetting in Children With Sickle Cell Disease
Advances in clinical trial design: Weaving tomorrow’s TB treatments
Drug Shortages in the United States—Are Some Prices Too Low?
The ethnic identity complexity of transculturally placed foster youth in the Netherlands
Exposure therapy for eating disorders: A systematic review
Nudge me right: Personalizing online security nudges to people’s decision-making styles
Sleep disturbance as a predictor of anxiety in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and typically developing children
Positive fighting experience, addiction-like state, and relapse: Retrospective analysis of experimental studies
State Rankings of Identification of Homeless Students
Navigating Data Systems When Integrating Home Visiting Data
Collaborative Problem Solving reduces children’s emotional and behavioral difficulties and parenting stress: Two key mechanisms
GAO-20-245, Southwest Border: Actions Needed to Improve DHS Processing of Families and Coordination between DHS and HHS, February 19, 2020
Impairment of cognitive memory inhibition in individuals with intellectual disability: A meta-analysis
COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Response and 42 CFR Part 2 Guidance
The Novel Coronavirus Originating in Wuhan, China: Challenges for Global Health Governance
Maternal omentin-1 level, quality of life and marital satisfaction in relation to mode of delivery: a prospective cohort study
Protest and Dissent: NOMOS LXII
Depression risk and body mass index among immigrants and non-immigrants in Canada: results from the Canadian Community Health Surveys, 2010–2014
Adherence to iron-folic acid supplementation among pregnant women in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Promoting the Importance of Human Relationships – World Social Work Day 2020