Decision-making capacity evaluations: the role of neuropsychological assessment from a multidisciplinary perspective
How Serious Is Debt Among Probation Clients? A Study Into the Prevalence and Scope of Debt in a Dutch Probation Sample
Neighborhood Social Cohesion, Physical Disorder, and Daily Activity Limitations Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Feared self and dimensions of obsessive compulsive symptoms: Sexual orientation-obsessions, relationship obsessions, and general OCD symptoms
Self-focused attention vs. negative attentional bias during public speech task in socially anxious individuals
How Effective are Cash Transfers in Mitigating Shocks for Vulnerable Children? Evidence on the impact of the Lesotho Child Grant Programme on multidimensional deprivation
The relationship between resilience and loneliness elucidated by a Danish version of the resilience scale for adults
Research Output and International Cooperation Among Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Scientometric Analysis
Linking household surveys and facility assessments: a comparison of geospatial methods using nationally representative data from Malawi
The power of ideas in policymaking processes: The role of institutionalised knowledge production in state bureaucracies
Time will tell: Revisiting the impact of college expansion on income and occupational prestige mobility of young adults in Taiwan
‘Treatable and Changeable’: The Effect of Treatment and Malleability Information on Stigma Towards Children with Behavioural Problems and Their Parents
Incidental Attitude Formation via the Surveillance Task: A Preregistered Replication of the Olson and Fazio (2001) Study
Executive control in dual language learning preschoolers: The association between Hot and cool executive control and science achievement
Effects of a mindfulness-induction on subjective and physiological stress response in adolescents at-risk for adult obesity
Activist ESD Pedagogies and the End of Critique: An Edu/Poetic Attempt to Bring in the Missing Child—Becoming Child
Working together towards social justice, anti-racism, and equity: a joint commitment from school psychology international and journal of educational and psychological consultation
A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Self-Compassion Writing Intervention for Adults With Mental Illness
Sexual abuse by superintending staff in the nineteenth-century lunatic asylum: medical practice, complaint and risk
Content validation of the Kamath and Stothard questionnaire for carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis: a cognitive interviewing study
Nursing Leadership Roles and Its Influence on the Millennial Psychiatric Nurses’ Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave
Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care Literacy Initiatives in African American Faith Communities: A Systematic Integrative Review
Accruals Management to Avoid The Current Ratio Falling Below One: An Empirical Analysis Among Nonprofits
Fighting over smartphones? Parents’ excessive smartphone use, lack of control over children’s use, and conflict
Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Benefits and Challenges of Technologies to Augment Patient Care
Disentangling contributions of demographic, family, and socioeconomic factors on associations of immigration status and health in the United States