Pragmatic evaluation of a coproduced physical activity referral scheme: a UK quasi-experimental study
Exposure to ethnic discrimination in social media and symptoms of anxiety and depression among Hispanic emerging adults: Examining the moderating role of gender
Towards intervention development to increase the uptake of COVID‐19 vaccination among those at high risk: Outlining evidence‐based and theoretically informed future intervention content
Trends in cannabis use and attitudes towards legalization and use among Australians from 2001‐2016: An age‐period‐cohort analysis
Is the relationship between child abuse and suicide attempts mediated by nonsuicidal self‐injury and pain tolerance?
Between hope and fear? Regional and social dividing lines in attitudes towards an EU minimum income scheme
The relationship of theory of mind and maternal emotional expressiveness with aggressive behaviours in young Japanese children: A gender‐differentiated effect
Analyses the effects of COVID-19 outbreak on human sexual behaviour using ordinary least-squares based multivariate logistic regression
Assertiveness and adaptation: Prospective teachers’ social competence development and its significance for occupational well‐being
Prevalence and correlates of transactional sex among women of low socioeconomic status in Portland, OR
The views and experiences of bisexual people regarding their psychosocial support needs: a qualitative evidence synthesis
Exploring rural older adult perspectives on the scope, reach and sustainability of age-friendly programs
Patient Suffering in Chronic Digestive Diseases: Will Primary Care-Specialist Collaboration With Effective Interactive Communication and Integrative Medicine in the Plan of Care Improve Quality of Life?
A mixed methods systematic review of informal caregivers’ experiences of fall risk among community‐dwelling elders with dementia
Knowledge, attitude and practice towards tuberculosis in Gambia: a nation-wide cross-sectional survey
Potential research ethics violations against an indigenous tribe in Ecuador: a mixed methods approach
Older age and frailty are the chief predictors of mortality in COVID-19 patients admitted to an acute medical unit in a secondary care setting- a cohort study
Express Your Self: Exploring the Nature of the Expressive Self and the Health and Well-Being Consequences of Its Restriction in a Market Society