Taking a Marxist Look at the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and Their Families: Practice Gains
Psycho-social perspectives on the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in groups, organisations, communities and in society
Social symptoms of identity needs: Why we have failed to solve our social problems and what to do about it
Problem-solving education to prevent depression among low-income mothers of preterm infants: a randomized controlled pilot trial
Interpersonal Competence Configurations, Attachment to Community, and Residential Aspirations of Rural Adolescents
The Contributions of the Health Decommodification Typologies to the Study of the East Asian Welfare Regime
One Welfare State, Two Care Regimes: Understanding Developments in Child and Elderly Care Policies in the Netherlands
Life Events and Depressive Symptoms in African American Adolescents: Do Ecological Domains and Timing of Life Events Matter?
Attachment security as a mechanism linking foster care placement to improved mental health outcomes in previously institutionalized children
Evaluating the impact of direct and indirect contact on the mental health stigma of pharmacy students
Timing, prevalence, determinants and outcomes of homelessness among patients admitted to acute psychiatric wards
Erratum to: Special Issue: European clinical guidelines for Tourette Syndrome and other tic disorders
Combining individual Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and caregiver-child sessions for childhood depression: An open trial
Physical comorbidity in mental illness in paediatric population: need for an integrated health care approach to paediatrics and child psychiatry
Gratifications, Collective Self-Esteem, Online Emotional Openness, and Traitlike Communication Apprehension as Predictors of Facebook Uses
Effectiveness and Relevance of Training for International Counseling Graduates: A Qualitative Inquiry
Mental Health Service Utilization Among Noncitizens in the United States: Findings From the National Latino and Asian American Study
Family-Centered Preventive Intervention for Military Families: Implications for Implementation Science
The impact of menopause on health-related quality of life: results from the STRIDE longitudinal study
Comparison Theory in Economic Psychology Regarding the Easterlin Paradox and Decreasing Marginal Utility: a Critique
Results of a Study to Increase Savoring the Moment: Differential Impact on Positive and Negative Outcomes
I can do it, you can do it: a community development approach to health promotion for individuals with disabilities
On the Relationship Between the Practice of Mindfulness Meditation and Personality—an Exploratory Analysis of the Mediating Role of Mindfulness Skills