Lesbian, gay and bisexual Americans are less religious than straight adults by traditional measures
Child Care and Early Education: Most States Offer Preschool Programs and Rely on Multiple Funding Sources
Lessons from Scott County — Progress or Paralysis on Harm Reduction?
U.S. Counties’ Vulnerability to HIV and HCV Outbreaks and Their Syringe-Exchange Program (SEP) Status.
Rural Counties Really and Truly Aren’t in Decline
Rural counties haven’t been losing population. At the same time, it’s certainly true that they aren’t keeping up with the overall population growth of the country.
Too Many People Living with HIV in the U.S. Don’t Know It
Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2016
Rural Communities Opioid Response Program
Men Appear Twice as Often as Women in News Photos on Facebook
Rates of Injury from Sports, Recreation, and Leisure Activities Among Children and Adolescents Aged 1–17 Years, by Age Group — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2015–2017
A Rising Share of Undergraduates Are From Poor Families, Especially at Less Selective Colleges
States That Spend the Most (and the Least) on Education
Alaska worked to bring kids home from Outside psychiatric institutions. Now, more are being sent away again.
Many households burdened by housing costs in 2017
AARP: Fraud Watch Network
A Day in the Life
States with a lifetime ban on SNAP
Until lifting it last week, West Virginia was one of only three states to maintain a ban on accessing SNAP benefits for people with drug felony convictions.
The opioid crisis comes to the classroom as soaring numbers of children born in drug withdrawal reach school age
Puerto Rico EITC Modest Compared to Federal EITC
Companion Animal Ownership and Human Well-Being in a Metropolis—The Case of Hong Kong
Percentage of Adults Aged ≥18 Years Who Felt Worried, Nervous, or Anxious Daily or Weekly, by Age Group and Employment Status — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2017
Audits of Highest-Income Taxpayers Fall Again
Americans See Advantages and Challenges in Country’s Growing Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Being connected with other people matters
HIV Underdiagnosed
Majority of Public Favors Same-Sex Marriage, but Divisions Persist
Survey Finds Only 45 Percent Know That Census Data Guide Community Funding Decisions
Age-Adjusted Percentage* of Adults Aged ≥18 Years Reporting a Lot of Pain,† Among Those Who Report Pain on at Least Some Days in the Past 3 Months,§ by Poverty Status¶ and Frequency of Pain — National Health Interview Survey, 2016–2017**
Older youth in foster care need support to make a successful transition to adulthood
Relationship between living alone and common mental disorders in the 1993, 2000 and 2007 National Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys
Urban Crime Declines During California’s Justice Reform Era (2010-2018)
In Western Europe, most people back church-state separation even while many willingly pay church tax
States Should Repeal Racist Policies Denying Benefits to Children Born to TANF Families
Median assessment value per square foot of residential property types, Nova Scotia, Ontario and British Columbia
The Geography of Brain Drain in America
Service availability in juvenile residential placement facilities
When anxiety happens as early as preschool, treatments can help
New Study Uncovers the Heavy Financial Toll of Untreated Maternal Mental Health Conditions
How Pets Contribute to Healthy Aging
Largest U.S. Measles Outbreak in 25 Years Surpasses 800 Cases
The disease spread in Orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn and in Rockland County, New York, before being carried to Michigan. A large outbreak in southern Washington State spread mostly among unvaccinated children under 10 years old. And in late April, hundreds of people were put under quarantine at two Los Angeles universities after an outbreak there.
We Have an Income Crisis, Not a Housing Crisis
Caregiving among African-American Adults
Infant mortality by race and ethnicity of mother, 2017
Spotlight on Girls in the Juvenile Justice System
The Hidden Horror of Hudson Yards Is How It Was Financed
Hudson Yards, the widely despised $25 billion mega-development that recently opened on Manhattan’s West Side, will now forever be the poster child for the “creative financial gerrymandering” that EB-5 has inspired, Capps writes, since that’s how the project raised at least $1.2 billion of its cash.
Medicaid Benefits Per Enrollee Much Lower in Puerto Rico Than in Any State
Budget Proposes Deep and Growing Cuts to Medicaid and ACA Marketplace Subsidies
Social mobility in UK ‘virtually stagnant’ since 2014
6 demographic trends shaping the U.S. and the world in 2019
Mapping Where Traffic Pollution Hurts Children Most
A county-by-county heat map details the distribution of childhood asthma due to nitrogen dioxide across the U.S. in 2000.