Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Vol 36(8), Dec 2022, viii-ix; doi:10.1037/adb0000872
Reports a clarification to “Sensitivity to the disinhibiting effect of alcohol: The role of trait impulsivity and sex differences” by Holley C. Allen, Michael J. Wesley, Jessica Weafer and Mark T. Fillmore (Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Advanced Online Publication, May 05, 2022, np). In the original article, simultaneous linear regression analyses examined the role of sex and trait impulsivity differences in participants’ unintoxicated level of behavioral impulsivity and sensitivity to alcohol-induced increases in disinhibition. High levels of trait impulsivity were associated with higher unintoxicated disinhibition; however, no sex difference in this relationship was obtained. Similarly, high attention impulsivity was associated with elevated unintoxicated disinhibition, but no sex difference in this relationship was obtained. It is likely that the inclusion of participants with ADHD in the original analyses disproportionately accounted for the sex differences initially obtained. This reanalysis suggests that behavioral disinhibition serves as a broad indicator of trait impulsivity in both men and women. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record