Model Continuums of Care Initiative (MCCI) to Advance Health Equity and End Health Disparities Among Women and Girls in Racial/Ethnic Minority and Other Underserved Communities (U34 Clinical Trials Required) (Multiple due dates)
A systematic review of the efficacy of group social skills interventions on social functioning and social participation in children with acquired brain injury or cerebral palsy
Oncology Social Work Competencies, Opportunities, Roles, and Expertise (CORE): Results from a Role Delineation Study
Exploring the Multidimensions of Wellbeing that Latinx Youth Experienced When they Engaged in Critical Action Toward Anti-Immigrant Politics
Linked Child Welfare and Medicaid Data in Kentucky and Florida Highlights Racial Disparities in Access to Care
Challenging the Chatbot: An Assessment of ChatGPT’s Diagnoses and Recommendations for DBP Case Studies
A longitudinal multi-site evaluation of community-based partnerships: implications for researchers, funders, and communities
Longitudinal Relationships Between Financial Stress, Career Related Optimism, and Psychological Distress During Emerging Adulthood in Australia
Life-Course Perspective on Immigrant Loneliness: A Conceptual Framework for Intergenerational Loneliness Trajectories
Facing Campus Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence With Courage: A Guide for Institutions and Clinicians on Prevention, Support, and Healing
The Relation Between Personal Values and Gratitude: Does It Differ Between Young Adults From Divorced Families and Married Families?
Impact of harm minimization interventions on reducing blood-borne infection transmission and some injecting behaviors among people who inject drugs: an overview and evidence gap mapping
A Multimethod Exploration of the COVID-Era Transition to Virtual Hearings in Child Welfare Court Cases
Social work students in Aotearoa New Zealand: the impacts of financial hardship on mental and social wellbeing
Ruling Relations Coordinating the ‘Migrant Family’ in Institutional Encounters between Finnish Social Work Professionals and Migrant Service Users
A Brief Case Management Intervention for People Involuntarily Admitted to a Psychiatric Hospital (CARP)
Balancing acts of kindness: Reassessing the relationship between informal helping and formal volunteering
Toward a Contextually Sensitive Understanding of Polyvictimization: A Latent Class Analysis of Violence, Risks, and Protections Among South African Adolescents From Highly Deprived Settings
Out-of-school suspension among young persons in care: The need to respond to attachment needs and provide a secure base that promotes learning
Association of globalization with the burden of opioid use disorders 2019. A country-level analysis using targeted maximum likelihood estimation
Contexts and Characteristics of Imaged-Based Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children: Incident Dynamics in a National Sample
A Case Study on Community Treatment Center for Response to COVID-19 in Korea: Focusing on Surge Capacity 4S Component Analysis and Social Well-Being Perspective