Adults’ willingness to report sexual orientation and gender identity when registering for a digital health application: A cross-sectional quantitative study
Impact of an injury hospital admission on childhood academic performance: a Welsh population-based data linkage study
An offer you cannot refuse: Plea offer size affects innocent but not guilty defendants’ perceptions of voluntariness.
More than race? Intragroup differences by gender and age in perceptions of police among street-identified Black men and women.
Influences affecting decision-making regarding use of pre-exposure prophylaxis among black men who have sex with men in the USA: a systematic review and meta-synthesis
Cognitive-behavioral reciprocity: Testing the bidirectional relationship between antisocial cognition and delinquency.
Implicit ethnic–racial self-stereotyping’s relation to children’s body mass index and diet: The moderating role of self-esteem.
Point-of-care testing for sexually transmitted infections and HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among pregnant women in South Africa, 2021-2022: randomised controlled trial
The alternative model for personality disorders and violence risk: Where are we now? Where are we going?
Examining the relation between discrimination and suicide among Black Americans: The role of social pain minimization and decreased bodily trust.
Painful proctitis associated with anorectal mpox, syphilis, HSV, LGV, gonorrhoea and Mycoplasma genitalium in a person living with virologically suppressed HIV and vaccinated against mpox
Psychometric evaluation and validation of the HIV Stigma Scale in Spanish among men who have sex with men and transgender women.
A call for increasing the use of mixed methods research in school psychology: Introduction to the special issue.
Trauma-informed care in school-based health centers: A mixed methods study of behavioral health screening and services.
Estimated glucose disposal rate and risk of arterial stiffness and long-term all-mortality: a 10-year prospective study
“Using 26,000 diary entries to show ovulatory changes in sexual desire and behavior”: Correction to Arslan et al. (2018).
Associations between teacher stress and school leadership: A mixed methods study with implications for school psychologists.
Examining treatment integrity in conjoint behavioral consultation in middle schools: A mixed methods study.
Role of hospitalisation for substance misuse in marital status transitions: a 47-year follow-up of a Swedish birth cohort
Survivor strategies: rebuilding intimate relationships and sexual wellbeing following sexual violence
Space, people, activity and time: A theoretical model for understanding children’s outdoor play with specific reference to the historical protected central areas of Beijing, China
Pandemic impacts, cultural conflicts and moral dilemmas among faculty at a Hispanic-serving research university
More than employment policies? Parental leaves, flexible work and fathers’ participation in unpaid care work
Psychosocial barriers to, and enablers of, intimate partner violence disclosure among Asian-American immigrant women
What do prospective parents know about family welfare incentives? Evidence from Hungary and the United States
Efficacy and acceptability of mobile application-delivered acceptance and commitment therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in China: A randomized controlled trial
Adverse experiences in early intimate relationships and next‐generation infant–mother attachment: findings from the ATP Generation 3 Study