Development, validation, and accuracy of ORCHESTRA emotional exhaustion screening questionnaire among healthcare workers during COVID‐19 Pandemic
How and When May Leader Influence Tactics Affect Followers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior? A Social Cognitive Approach
The longitudinal effect of the quality of participation experiences in a voluntary organization on youth psychological empowerment
Gender and institutions moderate the relationship between conditional cash transfers and political participation
Report of a Special Committee: Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida’s Public Higher Education System
An evidence-based approach to artificial intelligence education for medical students: A systematic review
The role of premeditation in suicide: Identifying factors associated with increased planning among suicide decedents
Redefining interaction and participation in digital times: early childhood teachers’ understandings in Greece
Co‐producing an inclusive‐care model for young people transitioning from adolescent eating disorder services to adult care: A qualitative study protocol for Transition for Eating Disorder Youth intervention
Post-traumatic stress disorder in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional Tunisian study
Supporting women’s empowerment by changing intrahousehold decision making: A mixed methods analysis of a field experiment in rural south‐west Tanzania
Reliability and validity of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: dietary intake assessment among multi-ethnic populations in Northwest China
Interaction between varying social ties on health: Perceived partner responsiveness and institutional trust
On the use of multiple imputation to address data missing by design as well as unintended missing data in case-cohort studies with a binary endpoint
Mergers, distance, and leadership: Perceptions of different forms of distance to leadership in merger processes
Participatory research with older people with a mental health condition and/or dementia: Tensions and challenges
How can white parents raise anti‐racist children? Introducing the routes to effective anti‐racist parenting (REAP) model
Challenges and strategies for conducting research in primary health care practice: an integrative review
Development of an Aboriginal Resilience and Recovery Questionnaire – a collaboration between practitioners and help-seeking clients of a Victorian Aboriginal community controlled health service
Early Care and Education Participation for Young Children in Foster Care: Family and Staff Perspectives.