“Dear higher education, there are sex workers on your campus”: Rendering visible the realities of U.S. college students engaged in sex work.
Economic recession, illicit drug use and the young population: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Association between trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms and length of hospital stay, hospitalization costs, and adverse maternal and infantile outcomes: A longitudinal observational study
Negative affect provides a context for increased distrust in the daily lives of individuals with a history of childhood maltreatment
Understanding evaluation use from an organisational perspective: A review of the literature and a research agenda
Community, Hospital, and Patient Factors Contributing to Ethnoracial Disparities in Follow-Up After Psychiatric Hospitalization
The Area Deprivation Index Is The Most Scientifically Validated Social Exposome Tool Available For Policies Advancing Health Equity
Supporting thinking about thinking: examining the metacognition theory-practice gap in higher education
Self-assured Parents – a Parenting Support Program for Immigrant Parents With Teenage Children Living in Deprived Areas (SAP)
Does anyone learn anything new at conferences? Measuring serendipity and knowledge diffusion at academic conferences
Co‐producing a complex psychosocial intervention during COVID‐19 with young people transitioning from adolescent secure hospitals to adult services in England: Moving Forward intervention (MFi)
How deep is the cancerous cut of substance use disorders on human rights? The effects of substance use disorders from a human rights perspective: The thinking of Developmental Clinical Social Work
Income inequalities beyond access to mental health care: a Dutch nationwide record-linkage cohort study of baseline disease severity, treatment intensity, and mental health outcomes
Is the disability wage gap a gendered inequality? Evidence from a 13-year full population study from Norway
Associations between common mental disorders and menopause: cross-sectional analysis of the 2014 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey
The paradoxical role of social class background in the educational and labour market outcomes of the children of immigrants in the UK
Dynamics of hospitalizations and staffing of Ukraine’s mental health services during the Russian invasion