Archive for June 2023
Aged Care Fees & Charges (part 3)
‘Whose Milk Was It, Really? … It Was a Gift, a Savior, a Healer, and a Connector’: Reflections on a Collaborative Autoethnography of Breastmilk Donation after Stillbirth
Understanding of nutrition information on food labels among higher income adults in India
Reflections on Peer Interviewing among Paid, Migrant, Live-in Carers in London
Response to the final report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
Welfare brokers and European Union migrants’ access to social protection
Improving programme‐led and focused interventions for eating disorders: An experts’ consensus statement—A UK perspective
Government response to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse: CASPAR briefing
‘This is hardcore’: a qualitative study exploring service users’ experiences of Heroin-Assisted Treatment (HAT) in Middlesbrough, England
Principal Perspectives on Addressing Youth Mental Health Within Schools
A qualitative analysis of factors influencing the implementation of antiretroviral treatment adherence policy in Ghana: stakeholders perspective
Adolescent-directed racial-ethnic socialization: Developmental processes that contribute to adolescents’ ability to provide racial-ethnic socialization within immigrant family contexts
Organisational impact on the use of restrictive measures: The perspective of Swedish front‐line managers
Effectiveness of a marital relationship skills training intervention on marital adjustment among individuals in Hosanna Town, Southwest Ethiopia: A randomized‐controlled trial
A systematic review of measures of adult disorganized attachment
The meaning of masculinity for educated young Bedouins
Why language matters: why you should avoid labelling allegations as ‘malicious’
Does the immediate reimbursement of medical insurance reduce the socioeconomic inequality in health among the floating population? Evidence from China
How crime severity predicts victim willingness to meet the offender.
How Does Religion Deter Adolescent Risk Behavior?
Instrumental goal activation increases online petition support across languages.
Posting and Transfers: The experiences of public sector doctors in two Indian States
Factors associated with sexual satisfaction in mixed-sex long-distance and geographically close relationships
Saying thanks and meaning it: Expressing gratitude for social gain
What Four Decades of Meta-Analysis Have Taught Us About Youth Psychotherapy and the Science of Research Synthesis
Aged Care Fees & Charges (part 2)
Participatory governance and the capacity to engage: A systems lens
Access to Health Coverage – Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Development and Validation of the Privileged Social Class Attitudes Scale (PSCAS)
Did the cannabis recreational use law affect traffic crash outcomes in Toronto? Building evidence for the adequate number of authorised cannabis stores’ thresholds
The Structure and Diagnostic Accuracy of the QbTest in Pediatric ADHD: A Retrospective Clinical Study
The book history of Rona M. Fields’s “A Society on the Run (1973)”: A case study in the alleged suppression of psychological research on Northern Ireland
Ten frequently asked questions about latent transition analysis.
Establishing new cutoffs for Cohen’s d: An application using known effect sizes from trials for improving sleep quality on composite mental health
Paternal age, risk of congenital anomalies, and birth outcomes: a population-based cohort study
Anxiety disorders are associated with reduced bone mineral density in men: Findings from the Geelong Osteoporosis Study
Examining the relationship between cognitive factors and insight in panic disorder before and during treatment
Dose-dependent changes in real-life affective well-being in healthy community-based individuals with mild to moderate childhood trauma exposure
Racial Identity and Mindfulness as Predictors of Posttraumatic Growth in Black Adults Experiencing Race-Based Trauma
Applying Strengths-Based Approaches in Social Work
The multidisciplinary roots of higher education research: An analysis of citation patterns
Former Athletes’ Illness Stories of Brain Injuries: Suspected Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and the Entanglement of Never‐Aging Masculinities
Predictors of changing patterns of adherence to containment measures during the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic: an international longitudinal study
We have to stand up for ourselves: Barriers to self-determination experienced by Black youth in the transition to adulthood
New tool helps communities prepare for natural hazards
Association of homelessness and psychiatric hospital readmission—a retrospective cohort study 2016–2020
QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged ≥18 Years Who Took Prescription Medication During the Past 12 Months, by Sex and Age Group – National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2021
The performance function in local government: Does location impact performance data use?
Evidence At Work for the American People