Resilience as Part of Recovery: The Views of Those with Experiences of Psychosis, and Learning for British Mental Health Social Work Practice. A Scoping Review
Effects of whole-body vibration exercise on sleep disorders, body composition and clinical parameters in down syndrome children: A study protocol for a randomized cross-over trial
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in the New Zealand social and community sector: An online survey
Respite and connection: Autistic adults’ reflections upon nature and well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic
Visual abilities and exploration behaviors as predictors of intelligence in autistic children from preschool to school age
Parent reported barriers and facilitators to support services for autistic children in Aotearoa New Zealand
Investigating Trauma Symptomology as a Mediator of the Relationships Between Childhood Maltreatment and Sexual and Non-Sexual Delinquency
The Risk, Need, and Responsivity Relevance of Working Alliance in a Sexual Offense Treatment Program: Its Intersection With Psychopathy, Diversity, and Treatment Change
An Interpretive Investigation of Music Therapists’ Experiences in Rural Communities of the United States
Exploring and promoting the role of health visitors in postnatal contraception: a ‘test and learn project
What makes a ‘good doctor? A critical discourse analysis of perspectives from medical students with lived experience as patients
Parenting stress and risks of child maltreatment among Asian immigrant parents: Does social support moderate the effects?
Intelligence is not the “entire repertoire of knowledge,” but rather the repertoire of adaptive knowledge: Commentary on Ackerman (2023).
Sex differences in the association between diabetes and depressive symptoms: findings from Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2018-2019
“It’s the Teacher’s Responsibility:” Examining Pre-service and In-service Teachers’ Responses to Racial Discrimination
Guidance: Opportunities to Test Transition-Related Strategies to Support Community Reentry and Improve Care Transitions for Individuals Who Are Incarcerated
Mental illness stigma and associated factors among Arabic-speaking refugee and migrant populations in Australia
Developing a typology of network alteration strategies for implementation: a scoping review and iterative synthesis
Physical Activity: Park, Trail, and Greenway Infrastructure Interventions when Combined with Additional Interventions
Contrasting Metacognitive, Emotion Recognition and Alexithymia Profiles in Bulimia, Anorexia, and Schizophrenia
Delphi survey on the most promising areas and methods to improve systematic reviews’ production and updating
What’s on Paper Is Not What Happens: Psychoeducation as a Frame for Grant Writing & Program Development
Perspectives across Canada about implementing a palliative approach in long-term care during COVID-19
Identifying the Effectiveness of Policies That May Prevent Child Maltreatment Among Infants and Toddlers
(Mis)Led by an Outsider: Abusive Supervision, Disengagement, and Silence in Politicized Bureaucracies
Measurement invariance of commonly used psychosis-screening scales in U.S. Spanish- and English-speaking Hispanic participants.