Archive for November 2022
Testing Treatments
Teaching Social Work Practice Skills: A Collaborative Autoethnography Identifying Key Practice Skills and Modes of Delivery in the Art of Social Work Practice
Assisting clients’ departure: On the multimodal organization of closings in social work
Continuing in post-16 education: The views of adopted young people
Anger instability and aggression in Borderline Personality Disorder – an ecological momentary assessment study
When design designs children: The importance of ontological design for childhood studies
Performance, Spectacle, Affect: The Polygraph’s Sexual Politics
Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part 1: National cancer statistics
Combining Antidepressants and Attention Bias Modification in Depression (DEPTREAT)
The Fight to Save the Town: Reimagining Discarded America
Guidance: Joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to children and families who need help
Defining the role of facilitated mediation in medical treatment decision-making for critically ill children in the Australian clinical context
Review of parent interventions to prevent child maltreatment
Exploring carer resilience in the context of dementia: a meta-synthesis
NIMH RDoC Roundtable – Data-Driven Refinement of Psychopathology: Toward Precision Diagnostics