Do Moral Disengagers Experience Guilt following Workplace Misconduct? Consequences for Emotional Exhaustion and Task Performance
Psychological distress and anxiety in Arab refugees and migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany
Cueing quality: Unpacking country-of-origin effects on intentions to vaccinate against COVID-19 in Taiwan
Narrative Therapy in a post-pandemic world: A fictional case study of a client living with depression
Internationalization of social work education in India through student exchanges: challenges and prospects
Unfriended during adolescence: Correlates of continued contact with former friends in school and online
Effectiveness of creative arts-based interventions for treating children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events: a systematic review of the quantitative evidence and meta-analysis
The hope theory and specific learning disorders and/or attention deficit disorders (SLD/ADHD): Developmental perspectives
Assessing the association between urban features and human physiological stress response using wearable sensors in different urban contexts
A Comparison Between Direct Telehealth and In-Person Methods of Teaching Expressive Labels to Children Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Public sentiment on the global outbreak of monkeypox: an unsupervised machine learning analysis of 352,182 twitter posts
Re-activating life skills in cancer patients through expressive-creative workshops: A qualitative exploratory study
Access to care and satisfaction with care among fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries by level of care need
A Comparison of Reading Screeners in Kindergarten: The Texas Primary Reading Inventory and Acadience Reading With English Learners and Monolingual English Speakers
Cost-effectiveness of Tele-delivered behavioral activation by Lay counselors for homebound older adults with depression
Too Much Information? Excessive Media Use, Maladaptive Coping, and Increases in Problematic Cannabis Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Family‐reported barriers and predictors of short‐term attendance in a multidisciplinary intervention for managing childhood obesity: A psycho‐family‐system based randomised controlled trial (ENTREN‐F)
Australian older adults’ views on using social media for reducing social isolation and loneliness in hearing impaired older adults: A community conversation
Dietary supplements for aggressive behaviour in people with intellectual disabilities: A randomised controlled crossover trial
Developmental behavioral genetics research on school achievement is missing vulnerable children, to our detriment
Web-based Evidence on the Treatment of Behavioral Addictions in United States Model Treatment Centers
Choosing between the red and the blue pill. How do people decide when they face uncertainty regarding different treatment alternatives?
Applying a bifactor model to the functions of relational aggression: Associations with hostile attribution biases and difficulties with emotion regulation
Individual and Social Risk and Protective Factors as Predictors of Trajectories of Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms in Adolescents
Marital satisfaction, parenting stress, and family alliance: Parental perspective taking as a moderator
Meeting in school: Cultural diversity approaches of teachers and intergroup contact among ethnic minority and majority adolescents
Relationship between clozapine exposure and the onset of appendicitis in schizophrenia patients: a retrospective cohort study
Housing-related challenges during COVID-19 pandemic among urban poor in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and gap analysis