Archive for November 2022
Estimates of long Covid are startlingly high. Here’s how to understand them.
(Re)Conceptualizing Black motherwork as political activism
Understanding the factors that impact effective uptake and maintenance of HIV care programs in South African primary health care clinics
Improving access to quality contraceptive counselling in community pharmacy: examining the knowledge, attitudes and practices of community pharmacists in Australia
Contemporary Gendered Pathways into Adulthood in South Korea
Involvement of national social partners in the implementation of RRPs
Trends in inequality in maternal and child health and health care in Uganda: Analysis of the Uganda demographic and health surveys
Quality of life instruments in atrial fibrillation: a systematic review of measurement properties
“Like a tsunami coming in fast”: A critical qualitative study of precarity and resistance during the pandemic.
Intersectional stigma and developmental competence among youth living with HIV
Briefing – Child Guarantee National Action Plans
Gothenburg Empowerment Scale (GES): psychometric properties and measurement invariance in adults with congenital heart disease from Belgium, Norway and South Korea
The state of health care and adult social care in England 2021/22
A case study of the construction of inter-embedded multi-ethnic community of urban migrants in Nanyang
Collaborative Multidimensional Intervention for Depression in Chile (CMID)
Co-occurring psychotic and eating disorders in England: findings from the 2014 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey
Changing with the Climate: Madagascar’s youth take climate action
Online education viewed through an equity lens: Promoting engagement and success for all learners
An evaluation of documentation and follow‐up on the use of SBIRT in an outpatient behavioral health clinic through the use of the CRAFFT tool
Supported Education and Supported Employment for Individuals at Clinical-High Risk of Psychosis: A Pilot Study
Illness progression in older‐age bipolar disorder: Exploring the applicability, dispersion, concordance, and associated clinical markers of two staging models for bipolar disorder in an older population
The ‘insanity’ of Lady Durham
Exploring two models of emotion regulation: how strategy use, abilities, and flexibility relate to well-being and mental illness
Serious Psychological Distress Is Associated with Higher Intentions to Quit among Smokers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The city centre as an age-friendly shopping environment: a consumer perspective
Not just statistics: Exploring the experiences of Mexican deportees
Shoulder pain, shoulder disability, and depression as serial mediators between stress and health-related quality of life among middle-aged women
How Racism “Gets Under the Skin”: An Examination of the Physical- and Mental-Health Costs of Culturally Compelled Coping
Follow-Up Care After Maltreatment: Sociodemographic Associations With Timeliness in a Southern State
Social–Emotional Learning for Whom? Implications of a Universal SEL Program and Teacher Well-being for Teachers’ Interactions with Students
Insomnia and the Interpersonal Theory of suicide among civilians, service members, and veterans
Report from an online workshop on family physician socialization: Reaffirmation using a hypothetical case
An Insurance Profile of Rural America: Chartbook
Against Youth Violence: A Social Harm Perspective
Technology and Disability: The Relationship Between Broadband Access and Disability Insurance Awards
“They don’t go by the law around here”: Law enforcement interactions after the legalization of syringe services programs in North Carolina
Learning by Doing: Lessons from the Graduate Students in the Boston Human Rights City Pilot Project
Correlates of Alcohol Use Likelihood for Latino Immigrant Youth in an Emerging Context
Understanding experiential awareness in humanistic‐phenomenological counseling
Can Ketamine Curb Excess Drinking?
Hospital discharge and community support: staff action cards
Bullying victimization among sexually and gender diverse youth in Canada
Dorsal striatial hypoconnectivity predicts antipsychotic medication treatment response in first‐episode psychosis and unmedicated patients with schizophrenia
Social Welfare PhD Information Session