Archive for July 2022
Millions face ‘worst cost of living crisis in 40 years’
Eliminating child labour – greater engagement and collaboration needed
To negotiate, mediate or litigate? Examining the durability of divorce outcomes in the Singapore family courts
Emergency remote English language teaching and learning: Voices of primary school students and teachers in Kazakhstan
Prevention is better than cure
History of the Faculty’s role in global health
Toward stronger tests of rationality claims: Spotlight on the rule of succession.
Liveability, environment and policy: Reflections on trans student experience of entering UK higher education
Geographies of Shame: Diachronic and Transnational Shame in Forced Migrants with Experiences of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Affect and queer intimate entanglements in national-neoliberal Estonia
A Latino MSM Focused Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Uptake Intervention
Nonstigmatizing and Precise Terminology to Describe Processes and Outcomes in Addiction Medicine
Child protection training for professionals to improve reporting of child abuse and neglect
Introduction to telehealth for behavioral health care
Does coping reduce suicidal urges in everyday life? Evidence from a daily diary study of adolescent inpatients
Prevalence of Mental Health Needs, Substance Use, and Co-occurring Disorders Among People Admitted to Prison
Transmission of Experiences of Racism, Anxiety, and Depression in Families
Pockets of Peace: A mixed methods, exploratory study of neighborhoods resilient to juvenile violence
Addressing the evidence gap in using social investment to tackle homelessness
Alpha-beta decoupling relevant to inhibition deficits leads to suicide attempt in major depressive disorder
Feminine sexuality, religiousness and psychotic distress: Tracing a pattern
A framework for descriptive epidemiology
Issues of cancer care in people with mental disorders as perceived by cancer care providers: A quantitative questionnaire survey
Incidence and mortality of alcohol‐related dementia and Wernicke‐Korsakoff syndrome: A nationwide register study
The idea of an ethically committed social science
Race, Crime, and the Public’s Sentencing Preferences
Starting unequal: how’s life for disadvantaged children?
No child health without planetary health
Social Media Use in Children and Adolescents
Otherfathering and Black men’s mental health: A primer for counselors
Exam-related unwanted intrusive thoughts and related neutralizing behaviors: Analogues to obsessions and compulsions
Effects of Socioeconomic Status, Parental Stress, and Family Support on Children’s Physical and Emotional Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Social Housing, Wellbeing and Welfare
Re-imagining what counts as femicide
Belonging through a communicative lens in dementia caregiving: qualitative study of autobiographical caregivers narratives
“Adverse Childhood Experience, from a Black Perspective” to be held in August