The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with Kshama Sawant (Socialist Alternative leader and Seattle City Councilmember)
Crises Narratives Defining the COVID-19 Pandemic: Expert Uncertainties and Conspiratorial Sensemaking
Nuanced Longitudinal Effects of Domains of Perceived Gender Similarity on Adolescent Peer Victimization
The effectiveness of adapted group mindfulness-based stress management program on perceived stress and emotion regulation in midwives: a randomized clinical trial
A novel smartphone‐based intervention targeting sleep difficulties in individuals experiencing psychosis: A feasibility and acceptability evaluation
Willingness to Discuss End-of-Life Care Wishes Among Rural Black/African American Residents of the Alabama Black Belt
Conducting organizational survey and experimental research online: From convenient to ambitious in study designs, recruiting, and data quality
Life Instability Associated with Lower ART Adherence and Other Poor HIV-Related Care Outcomes in Older Adults with HIV
Pandemic parenting: A pilot study of in-person versus internet-DOCS K-5 for caregivers of school-age children with disruptive behaviors
What is known about the prevalence of household food insecurity in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
Pedohebephilia and Perceived Non-coercive Childhood Sexual Experiences: Two Non-matched Case-Control Studies
Enhancing Educator by Experience led social work training: Lessons learned from the development of a Teaching Partnership Funded Project
A prospective study of patients with low back pain attending a Canadian emergency department: Why they came and what happened?
White and non-White Australian mental health care practitioners’ desirable responding, cultural competence, and racial/ethnic attitudes
The roles of negative emotion intensity, negative emotion differentiation, and self‐compassion in loss of control eating
Identifying Violence Against Persons at a Safety‐Net Hospital: Evidence from the First Six Months of Implementation
Global Scientific Production, International Cooperation and Knowledge Evolution of Public Administration
Burden of non-communicable diseases among adolescents aged 10–24 years in the EU, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2019
What Predicts Online Disinhibition? Examining Perceptions of Protection and Control Online and the Moderating Role of Social Anxiety
Prevalence of Workplace Bullying Among Healthcare Professionals in Tertiary Care Hospitals in Pakistan
Exploring the intersection of critical disability studies, humanities and global health through a case study of scarf injuries in Bangladesh
Relations between attachment, identity and borderline personality disorder symptom severity in male inpatients with alcohol use disorder