Posttraumatic stress disorder correlates among internally displaced Yazidi population following Islamic state of Iraq and Syria attacks in Iraq
Promoting neuroplasticity and neuropsychological functioning in frailty through an app-based sensorimotor training: study protocol for a randomized trial
The Role of Parental Involvement in Narrowing the Academic Achievement Gap for High School Students With Elevated Emotional and Behavioral Risks
A Pilot Fruit and Vegetable Prescription (FVRx) Program Improves Local Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, Nutrition Knowledge, and Food Purchasing Practices
Resilience-based intervention for youth: An initial investigation of school social work program in Kuwait
The Episodic Kneel: Racial Neoliberalism, Civility, and the Media Circulation of Colin Kaepernick, 2017–2020
Atypical attention to voice in toddlers and pre-schoolers with autism spectrum disorder is related to unimpaired cognitive abilities. An ERP study
Dispositional optimism as a buffer against emotional reactivity to daily stressors: A daily diary approach
The relationship between affective flexibility, spontaneous emotion regulation and the response to induced stress
Evaluating implementation of the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines: the TRUST process for rating journal policies, procedures, and practices
Endoscopic vacuum therapy versus stent treatment of esophageal anastomotic leaks (ESOLEAK): study protocol for a prospective randomized phase 2 trial
Sociodemographic differences in motives for food selection: results from the LoCard cross-sectional survey
Effects of Montessori Education on the Academic, Cognitive, and Social Development of Disadvantaged Preschoolers: A Randomized Controlled Study in the French Public‐School System
Associations between developmental timing of child abuse and conduct problem trajectories in a UK birth cohort
The application of K-means clustering for province clustering in Indonesia of the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic based on COVID-19 data
Exploring Control, Threats, Violence and Help-Seeking among Women Held at Gunpoint by Abusive Partners
Social Normativity of Research Methods and the Methodological Discrepancy between Mainstream Psychological Research and Danish Psychology Students’ Master’s Thesis Projects
Examining Incremental Validity of Dimensions of Alexithymia and Parental Psychological Control on Internalizing Symptoms of Youth Involved with the Juvenile Justice System
Parent Sensitive Topic Understanding, Communication Comfort, and Parent-Adolescent Conversation Following Exposure to 13 Reasons Why: A Comparison of Parents from Four Countries
The Effect of Item Preknowledge on Response Time: Analysis of Two Datasets Using the Multiple‐Group Lognormal Response Time Model with a Gating Mechanism
Webinar 1A Focus On: Walking Through the Steps and Standards [CDC’s Framework for Program Evaluation]
Associations of dietary markers with brain volume and connectivity: A systematic review of MRI studies
Parental death by external causes during childhood and risk of psychiatric disorders in bereaved offspring
Students’ basic needs and well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A two‐country study of basic psychological need satisfaction, intrinsic learning motivation, positive emotion and the moderating role of self‐regulated learning
Prevalence of Past-Year Dental Visit Among US Adults Aged 50 Years or Older, With Selected Chronic Diseases, 2018
Zoning Damned Whores and God’s Police: Maintaining Prostitution through Land Use and Euphemism in Victoria, Australia
Relating Profiles of Ethnic–Racial Identity Process and Content to the Academic and Psychological Adjustment of Black and Latinx Adolescents