Archive for February 2021
Employee green behaviour: How organizations can help the environment
On Class Warfare and the Perfect Storm of Crises That Got Us Here
Sociodemographic inequalities in patients’ experiences of primary care: an analysis of the General Practice Patient Survey in England between 2011 and 2017
Relationship-Based Care Work, Austerity and Aged Care
Compendium of Evidence-Based Interventions and Best Practices for HIV Prevention
For American couples, gender gaps in sharing household responsibilities persist amid pandemic
Coping With Information Style, Self‐Concealment, Internalized Stigma, and Family Burden Among Parents of Children With Psychiatric Disorders
Redefining Exposure: Using Mobile Technology and Geospatial Analysis to Explore When and Where Chicago Adolescents are Exposed to Neighborhood Characteristics
The National Retirement Risk Index: An Update from the 2019 SCF
Methamphetamine Overdose Deaths in the US by Sex and Race and Ethnicity
A Simple Matter of Time? School-Level Analysis of the Relationship between Time Allocation, Treatment Integrity, and Student Outcome
Addressing Systemic Racism Through Clinical Preventive Service Recommendations From the US Preventive Services Task Force
Not additive, not defined: mutual constitution in feminist intersectional studies
Chief Executive Officer Dismissal: A Multidisciplinary Integration and Critical Analysis
Fidelity and flexibility of care activities in child-centered youth care for children growing up in families experiencing complex and multiple problems
Holocaust survivors’ perspectives on using community aged care and support services
Eating, looking and living clean: techniques of white femininity in contemporary neoliberal food culture
Non-Drug Pain Management: MedlinePlus Health Topic
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Maternal Opioid-Related Diagnoses in the US, 2010-2017
Using Natural Language Processing to Classify Social Work Interventions
Formation of an emergent protestor identity: Applying the EMSICA to the Gezi Park protests
Association between depression, anxiety, and insomnia with musculoskeletal pain source: a multi-center study
A preliminary exploration of the effect of concurrent antidepressant medication on responses to high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in severe, enduring anorexia nervosa
Smartphones, social media use and youth mental health
The Sea Farming Sisters in Recovery
Academic Freedom in Online Education
Evidence synthesis: Evidence-informed interventions and best practices for supporting women experiencing or at risk of homelessness: a scoping review with gender and equity analysis
Demographic & clinical correlates of admission into a specialized psychiatric inpatient service for children and adolescents in Egypt: An observational retrospective study
American Psychosis
‘Oh no, the stick keeps falling!’: An analytical framework for conceptualising young children’s interactions during free play in a woodland setting
Loneliness and Social Connection in Cardiovascular Disease
Expanding the reach of psychological science through implementation science: Introduction to the special issue.
The role of asylum in processes of urban gentrification
The Inequality Virus: Bringing together a world torn apart by coronavirus through a fair, just and sustainable economy
Mental health impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on parents in high-risk, low income communities
Escaping the inescapable: Risk of mental health disorder, somatic symptoms and resilience in Palestinian refugee children
Association of Physical Activity and Physical Functioning Phenotypes With Fall Risk Among Women
Final Recommendation Statement: Interventions for Tobacco Smoking Cessation in Adults, Including Pregnant Persons
‘There’s a Certain Group of Cops that Have Their Own Vendetta’: Resident Perceptions of Notorious Police Officers and ‘Cop Clockin’ in the Inner-City
Supporting Families and Children Beyond COVID-19: Social protection in high-income countries
Figure 1: The cascading impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on child well-being