Implementation of highly challenging balance training for Parkinson’s disease in clinical practice: a process evaluation
The Criminalization of Young Children and Overrepresentation of Black Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
Weight-Talk Between Parents and Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Relationships with Health-Related and Psychosocial Outcomes
The relationship between obsessive–compulsive spectrum disorders and DSM‐5 dysfunctional personality domains in a nonclinical sample of Italian women
Knowledge, attitude and behaviours toward mental illness and help‐seeking in a large nonclinical Tunisian student sample
Oh No! They Cut My Funding! Using “Post Hoc” Planned Missing Data Designs to Salvage Longitudinal Research
Convalescent plasma therapy for COVID-19 patients: a protocol of a prospective meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Viral time capsule: a global photo-elicitation study of child and adolescent mental health professionals during COVID-19
Psychometric qualities of the English Coping Scales of the Stress and Coping Inventory in a representative UK sample
Estimated Sleep Duration Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Major Metropolitan Areas on Different Continents: Observational Study of Smartphone App Data
Scaling‐up school mental health services in low resource public schools of rural Pakistan: the Theory of Change (ToC) approach
A Grounded Theory Exploration of the Stages of Relationship Development in Marriages of Convenience in China
Are current elicitation techniques for barriers and enablers confounded with motivation? How natural language may hinder theory‐guided research
Understanding routine outcome monitoring and clinical feedback in context: Introduction to the special section
Father-Child Relations Mediate the Relations Between Paternal Expressiveness and Adolescent Behaviors
Efficacy and acceptability of parent-only group cognitive behavioral intervention for treatment of anxiety disorder in children and adolescents: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Teams in the wild are not extinct, but challenging to research: A guide for conducting impactful team field research with 10 recommendations and 10 best practices
Healthy ageing for all? Comparisons of socioeconomic inequalities in health expectancies over two decades in the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies I and II
Emotional traumatic experiences significantly contribute to identify a maltreated ecophenotype sub‐group in eating disorders: Experimental evidence
“I can’t live like that”: the experience of caregiver stress of caring for a relative with substance use disorder
Examining the social influence of reputation for partner productivity level on the collaborative task performance of young children