The relationship between proxy agency and the medical decisions concerning pediatric patients in palliative care: a qualitative study
To achieve a sense of rightness: The joint role of Not Just Right Experiences and Intolerance of Uncertainty in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention (BCBT-SP) via Video Telehealth: A Case Example During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Opioid use, regulation, and harms in Brazil: a comprehensive narrative overview of available data and indicators
Transition issues in higher education and digital technologies: the experiences of students with disabilities in New Zealand
Caught between Scylla and Charybdis: How Economic Stressors and Occupational Risk Factors Influence Workers’ Occupational Health Reactions to COVID‐19
Capturing gendered aspects of active aging in China: Insights drawn from the Active Aging Index in comparison with EU countries
Brazilian Portuguese version of the Amsterdam infant stool scale: a valid and reliable scale for evaluation of stool from children up to 120 days old
Feasibility study protocol of a pragmatic, randomised controlled pilot trial: membrane sweeping to prevent post-term pregnancy—the MILO Study
Factors Driving Citizen Engagement With Government TikTok Accounts During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Model Development and Analysis
Regulating the traditional kinship care practice in Ghana: Reflections from young people with kinship care experience
Family caregivers’ distress responses to daily behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: The moderating role of relationship quality
Child Adjustment after Parental Separation: Variations by Gender, Age, and Maternal Experiences of Violence during Marriage
Talking with Children About Natural Disasters: Maternal Acknowledgment, Child Emotion Talk, and Child Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms
MicroRNAs in the regulation of autophagy and their possible use in age-related macular degeneration therapy
Prevention programmes for children of parents with a mood/anxiety disorder: Systematic review of existing programmes and meta‐analysis of their efficacy
Percentage of Adolescents Meeting Federal Fruit and Vegetable Intake Recommendations — Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, United States, 2017
A comparison of farming‐ and non‐farming‐related suicides from the United States’ National Violent Deaths Reporting System, 2003–2016
Self‐criticism and self‐reassurance in individuals with recurrent depression: Effects of Mindfulness‐Based Cognitive Therapy and relationship to relapse
The effects of current unsatisfactory performance and evaluative approach on improvement expectancy and commitment to improvement
Metacognitions and Obsessive Beliefs in Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder: A Study of Within- and Between-Person Effects on Long-Term Outcome
Are Pacing Patterns Really Based on Value Goals? Exploring the Contextual Role of Pain Acceptance and Pain Catastrophizing in Women with Fibromyalgia
Clinical Characteristics and Predictors of Mortality in Minority Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 Infection
To Speak Up Effectively or Often? The Effects of Voice Quality and Voice Frequency on Peers’ and Managers’ Evaluations