Remembering rape: The temporal construction of sexual violence in autobiographical narratives from 1990s Finland
Is the use of contraceptives associated with periodontal diseases? A systematic review and meta-analyses
A cluster randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of the school‐based drug prevention program #Tamojunto2.0
A Multi-level Longitudinal Model of Risk Factors for Generalized and Separation Anxiety Symptoms in a Community Sample of 6-year-olds
To speak up effectively or often? The effects of voice quality and voice frequency on peers’ and managers’ evaluations
The rewarding recovery study: a randomized controlled trial of incentives for alcohol and drug abstinence with a rural American Indian community
A qualitative evidence synthesis of users’ experience of mobile health applications in the self-management of type 2 diabetes
The Goldilocks Problem: Tensions between Actuarially Based and Clinical Judgment in Child Welfare Decision Making
Increasing presence of xylazine in heroin and/or fentanyl deaths, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2010-2019
Sexual Orientation Disparities in Risk Factors for Adverse COVID-19–Related Outcomes, by Race/Ethnicity — Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2017–2019
The level of formal support received by people with severe mental illness living in supported accommodation and participation: A systematic review
Psychotherapy in the Kurdistan region of Iraq (KRI): Preferences and expectations of the Kurdish host community, internally displaced- and Syrian refugee community
Coordination, framing and innovation: the political sophistication of public health advocates in Ireland
Seroprevalence and risk factors of exposure to COVID-19 in homeless people in Paris, France: a cross-sectional study
A Prospective Study of Mental Health During the COVID‐19 Pandemic in Childhood Trauma–Exposed Individuals: Social Support Matters
Improving our understanding of the disproportionate incidence of STIs in heterosexual-identifying people of black Caribbean heritage: findings from a longitudinal study of sexual health clinic attendees in England
The effect of lifestyle and risk factor modification on occlusive peripheral arterial disease outcomes: standard healthcare vs structured programme—for a randomised controlled trial protocol
Offering mental health first aid to a person experiencing psychosis: a Delphi study to redevelop the guidelines published in 2008
A randomized controlled trial of a forgiveness intervention program with female acid attack survivors in Pakistan
Gambling disorder in the context of outpatient counselling and treatment: Background and design of a prospective German cohort study
Associations of parental depression during adolescence with cognitive development in later life in China: A population-based cohort study
No magic bullet: estimating anti-immigrant sentiment and social desirability bias with the item-count technique