Relationship Between Orthopedic Surgeon’s Empathy and Inpatient Hospital Experience Scores in a Tertiary Care Academic Institution
The Importance of the Cognitive Aspects of Vocational Rehabilitation for Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis
When Heroes and Villains Are Victims: How Different Withdrawal Strategies Moderate the Depleting Effects of Customer Incivility on Frontline Employees
Community-based psychosocial substance use disorder interventions in low-and-middle-income countries: a narrative literature review
An overview of the sexual and reproductive health status and service delivery among Syrian refugees in Jordan, nine years since the crisis: a systematic literature review
Adherence to recommendations for ART and targeted PrEP use among HIV serodiscordant couples in East Africa: the “PrEP as a bridge to ART” strategy
The Protective Effects of Social Support on Hypertension Among African American Adolescents Exposed to Violence
The factors of patient‐reported readiness for hospital discharge in patients with depression: a cross‐sectional study.
The prevalence of mental illness in refugees and asylum seekers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Buprenorphine therapy in the setting of induced opioid withdrawal from oral naltrexone: a case report
Assessing the Impact of Off-the-Job and On-the-Job Training on Employment Outcomes: A Counterfactual Evaluation of the PIPOL Program
Lady Injustice: The Moderating Effect of Ambivalent Sexism in a Mock Case of Intimate Partner Homicide
Revisiting the hypothesis of syndromic frailty: a cross-sectional study of the structural validity of the frailty phenotype
Nadine Nakamura and Carmen H. Logie (Eds.), LGBTQ mental health: International perspectives and experiences (Perspectives on sexual orientation and diversity)
Perspectives of Transgender Youth on Parental Support: Qualitative Findings From the Resilience and Transgender Youth Study
Judging dispositions toward ridicule and being laughed at from short self-descriptions at zero-acquaintance: Testing self-other agreement, consensus, and accuracy
Cross-cultural adaptation and construct validity of the German version of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit for service users (German ASCOT)
Explaining the mixed findings of a randomised controlled trial of telehealth with centralised remote support for heart failure: multi-site qualitative study using the NASSS framework
National suicide monitoring of serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel: 2020 update
The association between religious orientation and life satisfaction in older adults living with morbidity and multimorbidity: a gender perspective in Malaysia
Remission from nicotine dependence among people with severe mental illness who received help/services for tobacco/nicotine use
Age Changes and Suicidal Activity in Iran Over the Past Decade: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
“Having a Baby Can Wait”: Experiences of a Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion Program in the Context of Homelessness among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander Youth Captured Through PhotoVoice