Association of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and substance use disorders (SUDs) in a multi-site safety net healthcare setting
Febrile neutropenia and role of prophylactic granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in docetaxel and cyclophosphamide chemotherapy for breast cancer
Perceived social support and compliance with stay-at-home orders during the COVID-19 outbreak: evidence from Iran
Identifying and characterizing students suspected of academic dishonesty in SPOCs for credit through learning analytics
Association of Receipt of Palliative Care Interventions With Health Care Use, Quality of Life, and Symptom Burden Among Adults With Chronic Noncancer Illness: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Gender and the Nexus Between Preferences and Patriarchal Practices: Justifications of Intimate Partner Violence in the Dominican Republic
Factors contributing to antihypertensive medication adherence among adults with intellectual and developmental disability
Autism and Williams syndrome: Dissimilar socio-cognitive profiles with similar patterns of abnormal gene expression in the blood
Burden and Treatment Satisfaction among Caregivers of Adolescents with Borderline Personality Disorder
Being ostracized versus out of the loop: Redundant or unique predictors of variance in workplace outcomes?
Sex differences in the trajectories of and factors related to extracurricular sport participation and exercise: a cohort study spanning 13 years
A structured collaborative approach to intervention design using a modified intervention mapping approach: a case study using the Management and Interventions for Asthma (MIA) project for South Asian children
US medical and surgical society position statements on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia: a review
Public opinion about the health care system in Armenia: findings from a cross-sectional telephone survey
Cross-sectoral inter-rater reliability of the clinical frailty scale – a Danish translation and validation study
A First Step, a Second Chance: Public Support for Restoring Rights of Individuals with Prior Convictions
Gender differences in perceptions of policy advocacy activities among top executive leadership: Focusing on two types of South Korean social work organizations
Developing and Enhancing Adherence to a Telehealth ABA Parent Training Curriculum for Caregivers of Children with Autism
Effects of modified version of the Hospital Elder Life Program on post-discharge cognitive function and activities of daily living among older adults undergoing total knee arthroplasty
Meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence in road traffic injury prevention: a scoping review of qualitative studies (2000 to 2019)
Engaging Unmotivated Smokers to Move Toward Quitting: Design of Motivational Interviewing–Based Chatbot Through Iterative Interactions
Assessing aberrant salience in young community help‐seekers with early psychosis: The approved Italian version of the Aberrant Salience Inventory
Exploring the concept of problematic khat use in the Gurage community, South Central Ethiopia: a qualitative study
Contrasting norms on the use of evidence in risk assessment: the controversy surrounding the carcinogenicity of glyphosate
What are the Main Factors Associated with Immigrants’ Subjective Well‐being in Italy? Evidence from Self‐reported Life Satisfaction
An Exploratory Study of Directly Taught and Emergent Relations in an Elderly Woman with Alzheimer’s Disease