Mental health problems and correlates among 746 217 college students during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak in China
Switching stories: user testimonials on continue to contradict JUULs switch = cessation narrative
The effectiveness of non‐pharmacological interventions targeting neuropsychiatric symptoms among persons with preclinical and mild dementia: A systematic review and network meta‐analysis
Guidance for providers of accommodation for survivors of violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence: coronavirus (COVID-19)
Time to stop and smell the roses: On ‘rushing headlong’ into service delivery without really knowing what it is we are doing
Examining the Relation Between Gender Nonconformity and Psychological Well-Being in Children: The Roles of Peers and Parents
The effectiveness of Tai Chi Chuan on fear of movement, prevention of falls, physical activity, and cognitive status in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial
The provision of person‐centred dementia care in the context of mental health co‐morbidities: ‘It can be upsetting and distressing and it’s incredibly sad’
Effect of home environment on academic achievement in child protective service-involved children: Results from the second national survey of child and adolescent well-being study
The Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare Studies: Systems change through a relational Anishinaabe worldview
Black–White achievement gaps differ by family socioeconomic status from early childhood through early adolescence.
From pain to power: An exploration of activism, the #Metoo movement, and healing from sexual assault trauma.
Temporal relations among sleep, depression symptoms, and anxiety symptoms during intensive cognitive–behavioral treatment.
Big five personality traits and common mental disorders within a hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology: A longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth.
Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults and their carers (BATH-OUT): a qualitative extended follow-up study with concurrent nested outcome assessments
In-Between: Late-Arriving Teens in Adult Education Programs Navigating Child and Adult Immigrant Narratives
Help me help myself: examining an electronic mental health self-monitoring system in college students
Tired of Failing Students? Improving Student Learning Using Detailed and Automated Individualized Feedback in a Large Introductory Science Course
Reply to the correspondence letter by Alonso-Ojembarrena, Almudena and Oulego-Erroz, Ignacio: How to improve precision and reliability of diaphragm ultrasonographic measurements in newborns
Level of and associated factors for non-adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment among tuberculosis patients in Gamo Gofa zone, southern Ethiopia: cross-sectional study
How to adapt sexual and reproductive health services to the needs and circumstances of trans people— a qualitative study in Colombia
Women health: Psychological and most prominent somatic problems in 3-year follow-up in Bosnian refugees
“At Least I Didn’t Get Raped”: A Qualitative Exploration of IPV and Reproductive Coercion among Adolescent Girls Seeking Family Planning in Mexico
Improving the reading skills of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities: Preliminary study from Botswana
Variance constraints strongly influenced model performance in growth mixture modeling: a simulation and empirical study