Archive for 2020
Lauren Berlant and Kathleen Stewart, The hundreds.
Diversion, Rights and Social Justice
Comparing effects of acceptance training and psychoeducation on hoarding symptoms
Predictors of remission from the ultra‐high risk state for psychosis
Changing the paradigm of disability from stigma to equity in university social work education in Kyrgyzstan
Guidance: National assessment and accreditation system – for employers of social workers
Stockholm preterm interaction-based intervention (SPIBI) – study protocol for an RCT of a 12-month parallel-group post-discharge program for extremely preterm infants and their parents
Model-based PEEP titration versus standard practice in mechanical ventilation: a randomised controlled trial
Double burden of malnutrition among Indian schoolchildren and its measurement: a cross-sectional study in a single school
Socioeconomic position and the impact of increasing availability of lower energy meals vs. menu energy labelling on food choice: two randomized controlled trials in a virtual fast-food restaurant
The evolution of addiction treatment and harm reduction programs in Iran: a chaotic response or a synergistic diversity?
Prevalence of renewal of problem behavior during context changes
Higher Rates of Sleep Disturbance Among Offspring of Parents With Recurrent Depression Compared to Offspring of Nondepressed Parents
The long‐term consequences of peer victimization on physical and psychological health: A longitudinal study
Helping the “couch potato”: A cognitive dissonance approach to increasing exercise in the elderly
The what, how, and why of moralization: A review of current definitions, methods, and evidence in moralization research
Moral injury from war and other severe trauma
Sex counts: An examination of sexual service advertisements in a UK online directory
Child protection social workers’ constructions of children and childhood: An integrative review
Changes in the prevalence and profile of users of contraception in Britain 2000-2010: evidence from two National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles
Symptoms of prolonged grief and major depressive disorders: distinctiveness and temporal relationship in the first 2 years of bereavement for family caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients
Parenting and Children’s Executive Function Stability Across the Transition to School
Spatial patterns of male alcohol‐related mortality in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland and Russia
Making Digital Territory: Cybersecurity, Techno-nationalism, and the Moral Boundaries of the State
Identifying Perspectives About Health to Orient Obesity Intervention Among Urban, Transitionally Housed Indigenous Children
Using mobile phone surveys to track resilience and post-disaster recovery: a how-to guide
40 years in social work and children still at risk
Introduction to the 30th Anniversary of Women & Criminal Justice
Urban gentrification and declining access to HIV/STI, sexual health, and outreach services amongst women sex workers between 2010-2014: Results of a community-based longitudinal cohort
The Morality of War: A Review and Research Agenda
The spectacle of the ‘Other’: Media representations of same-sex sexuality in Senegal
Effects of a short mindful-breathing intervention on the psychophysiological stress reactions of German elementary school children
A Randomized Controlled Trial Study of Transforming Impossible into Possible (TIP) Policy Experiment in South Korea
Age at Migration and the Risk of Psychotic Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis
Opportunities to Improve Opioid Use Disorder and Infectious Disease Services: Integrating Responses to a Dual Epidemic
Engaging Parents About the Importance of Play: The Impact of a Brief, Arts‐Informed Community Presentation
Distraction, distress and diversity: Exploring the impact of sensory processing differences on learning and school life for pupils with autism spectrum disorders
Whither the evolution of the contemporary social fabric? New technologies and old socio‐economic trends
Green Crime Havens: A Spatial Cluster Analysis of Environmental Crime
Empirically derived consequences to treat rumination
An Investigation of a Classroom-Based Specialized Music Therapy Model for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Voices Together Using the VOICSS™ Method
Topical Review: A Biopsychosocial Framework for Pediatric Narcolepsy and Idiopathic Hypersomnia
Effect of a Behavioral Intervention to Increase Vegetable Consumption on Cancer Progression Among Men With Early-Stage Prostate Cancer: The MEAL Randomized Clinical Trial
Universal Credit: Does the monthly design work for claimants?
Universal Credit (UC) is replacing means-tested benefits and tax credits for people of working age. Around 7 million households will receive payments totalling around £60 billion a year when it’s fully introduced.