Association between Quality of Interactions Schedule ratings and care experiences of people with a dementia in general hospital settings: a validation study
Procedural justice enactment as an instrument of position protection: The three‐way interaction between leader’s power position stability, followers’ warmth, and followers’ competence
Logotherapy, existential analysis, music therapy: Theory and practice of meaning-oriented music therapy
The Relations Among Physical Indicators, Cognitive Status, Community Participation, and Depression of the Frail Male Elderly in Taiwan
The constitution of the alcoholic self, communicative processes and administrative practices: On the varied uses of four terms denoting problematic drinking
Knowledge, attitudes and practice of self-medication among university students in Portugal: A cross-sectional study
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ Ethical Principles for Allocating Initial Supplies of COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, 2020
A Statewide Vision to Address the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Conversation with New Jersey’s Office of Resilience Leadership
Suspicion about a partner’s deception and trust as roots of relational uncertainty during the post-deployment transition
Experiences and Well-Being of Sexual and Gender Diverse Youth in Foster Care in New York City Disproportionality and Disparities
As Thanksgiving Approaches, Fewer Than Half of Households With Kids Very Confident About Affording Needed Food
Young Women’s Sex Talk Online: Roles of Anonymity, Social Closeness, and Cultural Background on Perceived Appropriateness and Behavioral Intention
Could acupuncture be a treatment option for cancer patients with attitudinal barriers to pharmacological pain management?
Epidemiological situation of leprosy in a province in China: a long time to diagnosis and a high rate of deformity
Closing well: national and international humanitarian workers’ perspectives on the ethics of closing humanitarian health projects
Supporting the development of critical data literacies in higher education: building blocks for fair data cultures in society
Simulation study to demonstrate biases created by diagnostic criteria of mental illnesses: major depressive episodes, dysthymia, and manic episodes
Mothering in the Context of Violence: Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Mothers’ Experiences in Regional Settings in Australia
“Where Is the Women’s Center Here?”: The Role of Information in Refugee Women’s Help Seeking for Intimate Partner Violence in a Resettlement Context
Are Positive Childhood Experiences Linked to Better Cognitive Functioning in Later Life?: Examining the Role of Life Course Pathways
Text Messaging Interventions for Reducing Alcohol Consumption Among risky drinkers: Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis
Sandra Evans, Jane Garner and Rachel Darnley-Smith, Psychodynamic approaches to the experience of dementia
Elucidating the Impact of Childhood, Adulthood, and Cumulative Lifetime Trauma Exposure on Psychiatric Symptoms in Early Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders