Good Intentions: Exploring Narratives of Preferred Parenting in Families of a Young Person Who Has Experienced a First Episode of Psychosis (FEP)
“I’ve found my voice. I’ve found a sisterhood”: Qualitative evaluation of a web-based support group for women with HIV
Association of Adverse Childhood Experiences with Health Risk Behaviors Among College Students in Zambia
Estimating Social Gradients in Health for UK Mothers and Infants of Pakistani Origin: Do Latent Class Measures of Socioeconomic Position Help?
Blended professionals, technology and online learning: Identifying a socio‐technical third space in higher education
“I’m tired of being pulled from pillar to post”: A qualitative analysis of barriers to mental health care for trauma‐exposed young people
Community Readiness: A Toolkit to Support Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program Awardees in Assessing Community Capacity
Addressing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) through the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Framework
The Views and Experiences of Fathers of Children with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review of the International Evidence
Behind the Scenes of South Africa’s Asylum Procedure: A Qualitative Study on Long-term Asylum-Seekers from the Democratic Republic of Congo
Increases in Secondhand Smoke After Going Smoke Free: An Assessment of the Impact of a Mandated Smoke-Free Housing Policy
The impact of street service care on frontline service utilisation during high‐alcohol use hours in one night‐time entertainment precinct in Australia
Sharing responsibility: municipal health professionals’ approaches to goal setting with older patients with multi-morbidity – a grounded theory study
Movie Watching as a ‘Therapeutic Humour’ Intervention in Severe Mental Illness: Can We Develop a “Service” Based on Patient Feedback?
Differential effects of the menstrual cycle on reactive and proactive aggression in borderline personality disorder
Associations between prescribed benzodiazepines, overdose death and buprenorphine discontinuation among people receiving buprenorphine
The association of depression with subsequent dementia diagnosis: A Swedish nationwide cohort study from 1964 to 2016
A randomised controlled trial of hearing and vision support in dementia: Protocol for a process evaluation in the SENSE-Cog trial
The relationship between existential well-being and mood-related psychiatric burden in Indian young adults with attachment deficits: a cross-cultural validation study
Predictors of unplanned hospitalisation in the older population: The role of polypharmacy and other medication and chronic disease‐related factors
Simulated judicial decision‐making for African and European American adolescents with illegal sexual behavior: The impact of medical data and victim race/ethnicity
Nurturing female leadership skills through peer mentoring role: A study among undergraduate students in the United Arab Emirates