Archive for 2020
Effects of Arts Engagement on Physical Performance, Cognition, Social Isolation, and Self-Perception in Older Adults (SHARe)
Stress and Burnout Among Graduate Students: Moderation by Sleep Duration and Quality
State formation and higher education (HE) policy: an analytical review of policy shifts and the internationalization of higher education (IHE) in China between 1949 and 2019
Nutritional Status of Syrian Refugees in Early Adolescence Living in Turkey
Distorted body weight perception and its gender differences in middle-aged adults: population based study
Two‐year diagnostic stability in a real‐world sample of individuals with early psychosis
How Important is the Role of Oncology Social Work?
Poverty and inequality in Latin America’s research agenda: A bibliometric review
Suicide Risk Screening
Evaluation of PEPFAR’s Contribution (2012-2017) to Rwanda’s Human Resources for Health Program
A future for the world’s children? A WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission
Patient satisfaction and survey response in 717 hospital surveys in Switzerland: a cross-sectional study
Supporting at-risk older adults transitioning from hospital to home: who benefits from an evidence-based patient-centered discharge planning intervention? Post-hoc analysis from a randomized trial
Diagnostic tests and treatment procedures performed prior to cardiovascular death in individuals with severe mental illness
Efficient Collection and Representation of Preverbal Data in Typical and Atypical Development
Does Centrality Moderate the Relation Between Skin Tone Satisfaction and Psychological Adjustment for Latinx Blacks and Non-Latinx Blacks?
Health Equity in England: Marmot Review 10 Years On
International Federation of Social Workers: 2019 End of Year Report
Smartphone distraction‐addiction: Examining the relationship between psychosocial variables and patters of use
Injecting drug use among gay and bisexual men in New Zealand: Findings from national human immunodeficiency virus epidemiological and behavioural surveillance
A randomised controlled trial of a Group psychological intervention to increase locus of control for alcohol consumption among Alcohol‐misusing Short‐term (male) Prisoners (GASP)
Effects of valproic acid on skeletal metabolism in children with epilepsy: a systematic evaluation and meta-analysis based on 14 studies
Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial: prophylactic swallowing exercises in head-and-neck cancer patients treated with (chemo)radiotherapy (PRESTO trial)
Vaginal, sexual and urinary symptoms following hysterectomy: a multi-centre randomized controlled trial
Storytelling Toolkit: Lessons Learned from NHT’s “Where Will We Live?”
Programme form and service user well‐being: Linking theory and evidence
Restricted agency, control and exploitation – Understanding the agency of trafficked persons in the 21st-century Finland
Responding to the health needs of women from migrant and refugee backgrounds—Models of maternity and postpartum care in high‐income countries: A systematic scoping review
Ethics review of machine learning in children’s social care
A creative approach to increase social inclusion and reduce stigmatization of people with dementia
Sexual violence and mental health services: a call to action
Compulsory treatment in patients’ homes in the Netherlands: what do mental health professionals think of this?
Leisure in romantic relationships: An avenue for differentiation of self
Cross‐cultural differences in eyewitness memory reports
Factors associated with provider self‐efficacy in delivery of evidence‐based programs for children, youth, and families
Traumatic experiences, ICD‐11 PTSD, ICD‐11 complex PTSD, and the overlap with ICD‐10 diagnoses
Majority decision and Condorcet winners
Mothers’ Experiences of Having an Adolescent Child with Depression: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
The Potential of College Completion: How Disability Shapes Labor Market Activity Differentially by Educational Attainment and Disability Type
Drinking contexts and their association with acute alcohol‐related harm: A systematic review of event‐level studies on adults’ drinking occasions
Birth Settings in America Outcomes, Quality, Access, and Choice (2020)
The delivery of high quality and equitable care for both mothers and newborns is complex and requires efforts across many sectors. The United States spends more on childbirth than any other country in the world, yet outcomes are worse than other high-resource countries, and even worse for Black and Native American women. There are a variety of factors that influence childbirth, including social determinants such as income, educational levels, access to care, financing, transportation, structural racism and geographic variability in birth settings. It is important to reevaluate the United States’ approach to maternal and newborn care through the lens of these factors across multiple disciplines.
Statelessness in the United States: A Study to Estimate and Profile the US Stateless Population
Alarm whistle for use by psychiatric warders
Warders at Winson Green Mental Hospital used this alarm whistle. It is representative of the level of institutional security within psychiatric hospitals around the early 20th century. Whistles such as this were part of control measures to curb patients’ disruptive or aggressive behaviour.