Everyday Disputes and Negotiations: A Video Observational Analysis of Mexican‐origin Mother–Daughter Conversations
Duration of anxiety disorder and its associated risk indicators: Results of a longitudinal study of the general population
Is your health malleable or fixed? The influence of implicit theories on health-related attitudes and behaviour
La nécessité des approches interdisciplinaires et collaboratives pour évaluer l’impact de la COVID-19 sur les personnes âgées et le vieillissement: déclaration conjointe de l’ACG / CAG et de la RCV / CJA
Enhancing Integrative Cognitive‐Affective Therapy with ecological momentary interventions: A pilot trial
Techniques for registration of myoelectric activity of women’s pelvic floor muscles: a scoping review protocol
Effectiveness of thoracic epidural anesthesia in reducing morbidity and mortality in adults with acute pancreatitis: a systematic review protocol and meta-analysis
Effectiveness of educational programs using Diabetes Conversation Map™ tools on the health outcomes of people with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review protocol
Informant-based screening tools for diagnosis of dementia, an overview of systematic reviews of test accuracy studies protocol
Protocol for a systematic review on the experience of informal caregivers for people with a moderate to advanced dementia within a domestic home setting
Respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis for prevention of recurrent childhood wheeze and asthma: a systematic review
Factors affecting the delivery of complex rehabilitation interventions in research with neurologically impaired adults: a systematic review
Tracking Sex Offenders: Federal Law, Resources Have Led to Marked Improvement of State Registries, But More Work Is Needed
Problematic mobile phone use: Validity and reliability of the Problematic Use of Mobile Phone (PUMP) Scale in a German sample
Maybe He Is Relatable Too: Encouraging Women to Identify With Male Scientists by Highlighting Bias Against Fathers
Increasing public participation and influence in local decision-making to address social determinants of health during times of resource constraint: A systematic review examining initiatives and theories
Qualification for upper secondary education in individuals with autism without intellectual disability: Total population study, Stockholm, Sweden
Work with men and boys for gender equality: A review of field formation, the evidence base and future directions
Reactive attachment disorder symptoms and prosocial behavior in middle childhood: the role of Secure Base Script knowledge
State policies limiting premium surcharges for tobacco and their impact on health insurance enrollment
Evaluation of an unconditional cash transfer program targeting children’s first-1,000–days linear growth in rural Togo: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
Professional oral care in end-of-life patients with advanced cancers in a hospice ward: improvement of oral conditions
Patient-specific record linkage between emergency department and hospital admission data for a cohort of people who inject drugs: methodological considerations for frequent presenters
The role of physical and cognitive function in performance of activities of daily living in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease – a cross-sectional study
Social cognition in first episode adolescent depression and its correlation with clinical features and quality of life
Exhausted parents in Japan: Preliminary validation of the Japanese version of the Parental Burnout Assessment
Measures of depression, generalized anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorders amongst Yazidi female survivors of ISIS slavery and violence
Can an mhealth clinical decision-making support system improve adherence to neonatal healthcare protocols in a low-resource setting?
Experiences of Psychotherapists With Remote Psychotherapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-sectional Web-Based Survey Study
Translating Discovery Science.Variation in Facilitator Characteristics in Ethno‐Racial Minority Fatherhood Program Outcomes and Processes: A Translational Science Brief Report