Quality of life of women from families of martyred individuals in the Kurdistan region of Iraq as a conflict area in the Middle East
Enacting power and constructing gender in cervical cancer screening encounters between transmasculine patients and health care providers
Taking stock of progress made in reducing adolescent motherhood in low-income and middle-income countries
Comparing quality of reporting between preprints and peer-reviewed articles in the biomedical literature
Ecthyma gangrenosum due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis as initial manifestation of X-linked agammaglobulinemia: a case report
Evaluation of the effect of curcumin and zinc co-supplementation on glycemic measurements, lipid profiles, and inflammatory and antioxidant biomarkers in overweight or obese prediabetic patients: a study protocol for a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled phase 2 clinical trial
Knowledge towards standard precautions among healthcare providers of hospitals in Amhara region, Ethiopia, 2017: a cross sectional study
Ranking of meal preferences and interactions with demographic characteristics: a discrete choice experiment in young adults
Children in dual‐residence arrangements: Exploring discourses of fairness and children’s best interest in Norway
Number of long-term inpatients in Japanese psychiatric care beds: trend analysis from the patient survey and the 630 survey
Child protection with Muslim communities: considerations for non-Muslim-based orthodoxies/paradigms in child welfare and social work
Mental health of healthcare professionals during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia
Social, cultural and community engagement and mental health: cross-disciplinary, co-produced research agenda
Risk factors for in-patient admission among adults with intellectual disability and autism: investigation of electronic clinical records
Consumption of energy drinks is associated with depression, anxiety, and stress in young adult males: Evidence from a longitudinal cohort study
Pathologizing the Unknown: A Sociological Explanation for the (Mis-)Use of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome as a Diagnosis
Architecture as change-agent? Looking for innovation in contemporary forensic psychiatric hospital design
Brief psychological treatments for emotional disorders in Primary and Specialized Care: A randomized controlled trial
A systematic review of the dose-response relationship between usage and outcomes of online physical activity weight-loss interventions
Metacognitive Training for Depression: Feasibility, Safety and Acceptability of Two New Treatment Modules to Reduce Suicidality
Brains, brawn, and beauty: The complementary roles of intelligence and physical aggression in attracting sexual partners
Study of resilience and loneliness in youth (18–25 years old) during the COVID‐19 pandemic lockdown measures