Sleep as a Moderator of Young Children’s Traumatic Stress and Behavior Problems: a Treatment-Referred Sample
National prescribing rates and polypharmacy for children and young people in New Zealand with and without autism spectrum disorder
Exploring the efficacy of using hypertonic saline for nebulizing treatment in children with bronchiolitis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Magnitude and trends in socio-economic and geographic inequality in access to birth by cesarean section in Tanzania: evidence from five rounds of Tanzania demographic and health surveys (1996–2015)
Rapid Progression of Kaposi’s sarcoma complicated with hemophagocytic syndrome in a severely immunosuppressed patient with HIV-infection: a case report
Can Disinfection Robots Reduce the Risk of Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Health Care and Educational Settings?
Depression and suicidality among adolescents living with human immunodeficiency virus in Lagos, Nigeria
Perceived quality of primary healthcare services and its association with institutional trust among caregivers of persons diagnosed with a severe mental illness in China
Neighborhood Opportunity and Satisfaction Among Housing Choice Voucher Recipients: A Subjective Well-Being Perspective
Does smoke-free legislation work for teens too? A logistic regression analysis of smoking prevalence and gender among 16 years old in Ireland, using the 1995-2015 ESPAD school surveys
The Effects of Marital Status, Fertility, and Bereavement on Adult Mortality in Polygamous and Monogamous Households: Evidence From the Utah Population Database
The Development of a Mobile-based App to Increase Uptake of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) by Men Who Have Sex With Men in China
The Role of Depressive Symptoms in Substance Use Among African American Boys Exposed to Community Violence
Adolescent mental wellness: a systematic review protocol of instruments measuring general mental health and well-being
Child sexual abuse knowledge/attitude scale for parents: Reliability and validity of the Turkish version
“If Somebody is Different”: A critical analysis of parent, teacher and student perspectives on bullying and cyberbullying
The distance to death perceptions of older adults explain why they age in place: A theoretical examination
Assessing the evidence of perspective taking on stereotyping and negative evaluations: A p-curve analysis
Service Failure and Recovery at the Crossroads: Recommendations to Revitalize the Field and its Influence
What can primary care services do to help First Nations people with unhealthy alcohol use? A systematic review: Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada
Exploring perspectives, preferences and needs of a telemonitoring program for women at high risk for preeclampsia in a tertiary health facility of Karachi: a qualitative study protocol
How can existential or spiritual strengths be fostered in palliative care? An interpretative synthesis of recent literature