Contrasts in alcohol‐related mortality in Czechia and Lithuania: Analysis of time trends and educational differences
Eating disorders and the risk of esophageal and stomach cancers‐A nationwide, population‐based cohort study in Taiwan
Combined associations of body mass index and adherence to a Mediterranean-like diet with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: A cohort study
Joint Statement: International Day of the Girl Child 2020 – Their voice, our equal future, time to focus on girls in Iraq [EN/AR]
What difficulties do people with mild intellectual disabilities experience when seeking medical help from their GP? A qualitative study
Explaining Cross-National Variation in the Health Benefits of Tertiary Education: What Are the Roles of the Skills Gap and the Earnings Gap?
A qualitative study of perceived barriers to hepatitis C care among people who did not attend appointments in the non-urban US South
Can Active Labour Market Programmes Emulate the Mental Health Benefits of Regular Paid Employment? Longitudinal Evidence from the United Kingdom
User pathways of e‐cigarette use to support long term tobacco smoking relapse prevention: a qualitative analysis
Institutionalizing Gender: Madness, the Family, and Psychiatric Power in Nineteenth-Century France 9781501753312
Expectations of Social Consequences Impact Anticipated Involvement in Health‐Risk Behavior During Adolescence
Efficacy of a fasting‐mimicking diet in functional therapy for depression: A randomised controlled pilot trial
Empirical Bayes Shrinkage Estimates of State Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation Rates in Fiscal Year 2015 to Fiscal Year 2017 for All Eligible People and Working Poor People
Improving treatment decision-making in bipolar II disorder: a phase II randomised controlled trial of an online patient decision-aid
Factors Influencing Risk for COVID-19 Exposure Among Young Adults Aged 18–23 Years — Winnebago County, Wisconsin, March–July 2020
Health related quality of life utility weights for economic evaluation through different stages of chronic kidney disease: a systematic literature review
Excess mortality associated with mental illness in people living with HIV in Cape Town, South Africa: a cohort study using linked electronic health records
Demanding Reduction: A County-level Analysis Examining Structural Determinants of Human Trafficking Arrests in Florida
Optimal designs for phase II/III drug development programs including methods for discounting of phase II results
An analysis of the strategic plan development processes of major public organisations funding health research in nine high-income countries worldwide
Treating depression with a smartphone-delivered self-help cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: study protocol for a parallel group randomized controlled trial
Associations of early adulthood life transitions with changes in fast food intake: a latent trajectory analysis