Archive for 2020
Numbsense of shape, texture, and objects after left parietal infarction: A case report
US State Polarization, Policymaking Power, and Population Health
Self‐compassion and nursing competency among Japanese psychiatric nurses
A Supreme Court Ruling Finding the Affordable Care Act Unconstitutional Would Have Widespread Negative Implications
The Ripple Effect of ADHD in Adolescents: Self-Perceptions and Social Relationships
The Elderly Therapist/Patient: The Developmental Challenge of Expansion and Contraction and Other Reflections of an Aging Psychotherapist
1 in 3 Adults Having Trouble Paying Expenses
The toxic duo: Bullying involvement and adverse childhood experiences as factors associated with school disengagement among children
Digital gaming and metacognition in middle childhood
Facebook and older adults: Fulfilling psychological needs?
Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on mental health and perceived strain among caregivers tending children with special needs
D‐CARE ‐ The Dementia Care Study: Design of a Pragmatic Trial of the Effectiveness and Cost‐effectiveness of Health System‐based versus Community‐based Dementia Care versus Usual Dementia Care
Influence of Betrayal Trauma on Pathological Narcissism
Potentially traumatic experiences and behavioural symptoms in adults with autism and intellectual disability referred for psychiatric assessment
A comparison of the four healthy days measures (HRQOL-4) with a single measure of self-rated general health in a population-based health survey in New York City
Policy translation in global health governance: Localising harm reduction in Tajikistan
Measuring peer influence susceptibility to alcohol use: Convergent and predictive validity of a new analogue assessment
The Global Police State
A critical look at the terrifying rise in the control of ‘surplus’ populations