Archive for November 2020
Counselors’ acceptability of adherence counseling session recording, fidelity monitoring, and feedback in a multi-site HIV prevention study in four African countries
Homeless women in Chile: Examining daily life capabilities
Offending Girls and Restorative Justice: A Critical Analysis
Can synthetic controls improve causal inference in interrupted time series evaluations of public health interventions?
Rights in a pandemic – Lockdowns, rights and lessons from HIV in the early response to COVID-19
Etiology of intellectual disability in individuals from special education schools in the south of Brazil
The rescue intervention strategy for asthma patients under severe air pollution: a protocol for a single-centre prospective randomized controlled trial
Predictors of first-line antiretroviral therapy failure among adults and adolescents living with HIV/AIDS in a large prevention and treatment program in Nigeria
Coping styles in HIV positives and HIV negatives
Mobile App Strategy to Facilitate Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men: Pilot Intervention Study
Everything counts in sending the right message: science-based messaging implications from the 2020 WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour
COVID-19 among people experiencing homelessness in England: a modelling study
Ranting during the pandemic: Online contributions to our online world
Integrating recovery-oriented and realistic evaluation principles into an evaluation of a Partners in Recovery programme
Secondary trauma and posttraumatic growth among mental health clinicians involved in disaster relief activities following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan
Risk, trust and patients’ strategic choices of healthcare practitioners
Mass Gatherings, Health, and Well‐Being: From Risk Mitigation to Health Promotion
Effectiveness of a psycho-educational intervention for expecting parents to prevent postpartum parenting stress, depression and anxiety: a randomized controlled trial
People with disability in Australia
Mental Health Scotland’s Transition And Recovery: A Summary
A Preliminary Examination of Derived Relational Responding in the Context of Body Image
How the Indashyikirwa Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Programme in Rwanda Influenced Parenting and Violence against Children
Tele-based Psychological Emotional Support for Informal CARegivers of COVID-19 Patients in Intensive Care (CO-CarES)
Social–Emotional Profiles of PTSD, Complex PTSD, and Borderline Personality Disorder Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Young Adults: A Latent Class Analysis
Interparental Conflict, Attention to Angry Interpersonal Interactions, and Adolescent Anxiety
Corrigendum: Using a Psychopharmacogenetic Approach To Identify the Pathways Through Which—and the People for Whom—Testosterone Promotes Aggression
National suicide monitoring of serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel
Motivational Strategies in Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence Offenders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
NSW Health Statewide Requirements – Establishing Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams (SPOT)
Stress: A Normal Response to Environmental Contamination
Culture of Evidence
When Can a Disability Quota System Empower Disabled Individuals in the Workplace? The Case of France
Changes in health insurance coverage, access to care, and health services utilization by sexual minority status in the United States, 2013‐2018
History of Social Security COLA Increases by Year