Children’s sleep, impulsivity, and anger: shared genetic etiology and implications for developmental psychopathology
Nutritional supplements for neuropsychiatric symptoms in people with dementia: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Perception of the relative harm of electronic cigarettes compared to cigarettes amongst US adults from 2013 to 2016: analysis of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study data
The long shadow of violence: The impact of exposure to intimate partner violence in infancy and early childhood
Climate injustice, criminalisation of land protection and anti-colonial solidarity: Courtroom ethnography in an age of fossil fuel violence
Elevated Rates of Restraint and Seclusion in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients in China and Their Associated Factors
Early Life Adversity as a Moderator of Symptom Change following Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Getting Their Feet in the Door: Communication Cues to Action for HIV Testing and Condom Use Behaviors Among Hispanic/Latinx College Students
Cognitive and motor deficits in older adults with HIV infection: Comparison with normal ageing and Parkinson’s disease
The efficacy of group logotherapy on community‐dwelling older adults with depressive symptoms: A mixed methods study
A cluster analysis of purging disorder: Validation analyses with eating disorder symptoms, general psychopathology and personality
Detecting DIF in Multidimensional Forced Choice Measures Using the Thurstonian Item Response Theory Model
A multilevel analysis of factors affecting kindergartners’ creative dispositions in relations to child-level variables and teacher-level variables
Parent Self‐Compassion and Supportive Responses to Child Difficult Emotion: An Intergenerational Theoretical Model Rooted in Attachment
Health behavior during periods of stressful uncertainty: associations with emotions, cognitions, and expectation management
Latinx Youth’s Funds of Knowledge: Empowering Activist Identities in a Nuevo South College Access Program
The experiences of foster carers and facilitators of Fostering Connections: The Trauma-informed Foster Care Program: A process study
Developing Adolescent Boys Toward Adaptation of Male Sexual and Reproductive Health in Communities With Embedded Cultural Manhood Values
Disagreement in perceptions of stepfamily communication and functioning: Implications for mental health
Identifying the health care initiated and self-initiated interventions used by women for the management of rectal emptying difficulty secondary to obstructive defecation: a scoping review protocol
Patient, parent/carer, and health care professional experience of medication adherence in children and adolescents with asthma: a qualitative systematic review protocol
International nursing students’ and new graduates’ experiences of transition to the nursing workforce: a scoping review protocol
The risk of cardiovascular disease in women after miscarriage, stillbirth, and therapeutic abortion: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Prevalence of multimorbid degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Outcomes after corrective surgery for congenital dextro-transposition of the arteries using the arterial switch technique: a scoping systematic review
Health-related quality of life became worse in short-term during treatment in head and neck cancer patients: a prospective study